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Once Genji was on the roof of the building, he stopped in his tracks. He heard Angela close her door after muttering to herself, so he felt a little safer to stand up. He never expected himself to be so nervous. He never normally batted an eyelid when meeting new people, especially girls.

Yet there was something about this blonde locked angel that intrigued Genji, made him want to seriously get along with her.

"So that's the famous Doctor 'Mercy', huh? Pretty" He whispered to himself, before realising that he did actually have to get to work at the restaurant in the center of Hanamura.

Genji Shimada is a world renowned ninja who has struck fear into the hearts of criminals all around Japan. No one knows his face or motive - but he is a role model to every young child. His last name was never revealed or found out - so it was a mystery as to who 'Genji' were. However, to those around him, it was obvious.

He was quite carefree, just zooming through life pretty much ignoring all of his family's back story and actions. He left all the yakuza stuff to Hanzo and his father - people that were boring enough to care about all that, in Genji's opinion. He just did his own business - which happened to involve single handedly shutting down many criminals in the act.


"Genji, table 3!" The chef called from the kitchen, placing a bowl of ramen on a tray.

Genji appeared from around the corner with his apron on, picking up the tray and nodding at the chef as a 'yes' indication.

He put on a welcoming smile as he walked to table 3, the table his brother Hanzo was sat at.

Hanzo insisted that Genji should act professional in his work environment, which meant that he couldn't really talk to him like they were brothers when he was working.

"Would you like a refill?" Genji politely asked, noticing Hanzo's empty sake cup.

"Yes please" He firmly replied.

About midway into his shift, the restaurant was close to empty. It was just one of those days. Genji managed to keep the customers that were there happy though, he was quite good at making people feel happy. He also knew everyone in the town, so there was that. Work didn't feel like work at all.

He heard the door ping open as a new customer had walked in. He immediately walked out of the kitchen, ready to greet a familiar face.

Although the face was indeed familiar, it had only crossed his retinas once. Once in person, at least.

"Welcome! Table for one?" He asked, swallowing hard as he greeted her. He was nervous again.

"Yes, please" Angela replied, smiling at Genji's sudden appearance. She was glad she'd been acquainted with at least one person at the restaurant.

He led her to a small table that was close to the back, in sight of the chef. Genji handed her an English menu, and waited for her to take a look. She didn't give much of a reaction by her face, but she did seem like she knew what was what.

"I'll just have some ramen, please. Its been awhile" She giggled, handing the menu back to Genji.

He blushed, his cheeks turning slightly pink from the look and sound of Angela's laugh. He found it extremely adorable.

"C-coming right up!" He rushed off into the kitchen to deliver the order.

Angela watched intently as she scanned her eyes around the restaurant. It was very traditionally Japanese, she liked it. It was welcoming, and Genji fit the perfect feel of the cosy place. She was glad to know that he had to rush off to work.

Genji came back out of the kitchen, noticing that Angela was actually the only customer in the restaurant.

"Would you mind if I sat with you?" He asked Angela, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Not at all!" Angela replied, staring Genji straight in the eyes. Oh, how she loved his eyes.

They made small talk for a few minutes, Genji cracking a few jokes every now and then was met with Angela covering her mouth and giggling. Every time she did that, Genji swore he felt his heart in his chest, screaming at him to do something.

Their talk was interrupted by someone that bursted the door open, so it didn't even make the nice little ping sound.

"Genji! Have you seen the news?!" The man asked. It turned out to be Genji's brother.

"Hanzo! No, I haven't" Genji stood up and replied, turning the tv on. It was a bad quality, but he could make out what they were saying.

Angela however, couldn't understand what was going on. The news cameras were focused on a house, but that's all she could understand. Her Japanese wasn't good enough for her to make out even a single word. She did however, see Genji's reaction change. He looked quite angry.

"Kuso! I have to go" He turned to Angela and apologised, before running back into the kitchen.

He ran back out a few seconds later, apron less. He did have something else in his hand though.

"Arigato, onii-chan" He told Hanzo before darting out of the door.

He was still smiling, but it was more determined than goofy now. He seemed like he had something he wanted to do. No, needed to do.

Hanzo sat down where Genji were, and deeply sighed, focusing his attention on the television. Angela tried to make it seem like she knew what was going on for a second, but it failed quite miserably.

"Does he do that a lot?" She asked Hanzo. He immediately understood what she was talking about.

"I guess you could say that. He's quite energetic, as you've probably noticed" Hanzo replied, tapping his foot on the ground.

"That aside, I'm Mer-" She began introducing herself as her 'stage name' before Hanzo cut her off.

"I know. Genji wouldn't stop going on about you" He replied, still not putting any attention on Angela herself.

"So he does know me?" She asked as a rhetorical question, but it was answered anyway.

"Who doesn't? He didn't want to make a big deal or make you uncomfortable. He understands how that feels" Hanzo firmly replied.

Their conversation was abruptly cut off by the TV turning to static. Hanzo sighed with relief. He stood up and looked a lot more at ease than he normally did.

"Look after my little brother" He saluted her and began heading towards the door.

"I will...?" Angela replied, confused out of her mind. Hanzo replied with a small chuckle as he walked out of the restaurant.

On the bright side, Angela did finally get her ramen.

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