Eighth part

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   The girls were talking and asking Mepha if you have been taking good care of her which made her blush answering, “he has been taking good care of me, I am really grateful for him” holding her hands, “I would like to spend more time with them and I wish to find a way of showing that I am grateful” she finished saying as she looked at her hands with a red blush and avoiding Urbosa and Zeldas eyes earning her a “Aww” from Zelda and a teasing smile from Urbosa. “You know, you could try- “

Their conversation had been cut when they heard you screaming at the top of your lungs “LESS SNOW LESS SNOW” as you and Link sprinted in front of them with scared faces, moments later followed by Daruk laughing full force with giant ball of snow over his head, they had to spend a few moments analyzing what was happening. As Mepha saw this she only said putting her hand over her mouth, “Oh dear” with a worried tone followed by Zelda saying “How… why?” with Urbosa simply pinching the bridge between her eyes. They saw a shadow flying over them and landing on the horse head on the top of the stable and realize that it Revali looking at the scene with what they could tell was fear by how he would look around to make sure no giant snow ball came towards him, Urbosa had to scream to get his attention “WHY IS DARUK RUNNING WITH A SNOW MOUNTAIN OVER HIS HEAD!?” to which he squawk back “I THREW A SNOWBALL TO [ NAME] WHO DOGGED AND IT HIT DARUK”.

    The three of them made a silent oh and saw as you and Link dived to separate sides as the snow boulder struck were you were, after laying on the floor to take a few breaths, the two of you shared a scared wide eye stare and saw Daruk gathering smaller snow balls which you two gave in unison a relived sight, only to be stricken with a snowball thrown by a goron at full force. After recovering from the force of the snowball you looked at Link who was getting up after getting structed with such force, you two looked at each other and gave a full sprint to the forest followed by Daruk with arms filled with small snowballs but that didn’t make it less dangerous. The others could only see snowballs flying out of the trees and you screaming “LESS FORCE LESS FORCE” which made them all worry if they would ever see the two of you alive.

They saw Link running out of the woods as many snowballs whizzed pass him, the moment he saw he was in front of the stable, he gave it a full sprint followed by him disappearing as he made a dive inside the stable, followed by you riding a Elk around the wood with a goron throwing snowballs with a wide smile screaming “They don’t hurt” as he ran behind you throwing another barrage, “WHEN DID YOU MANAGE TO MAKE MORE?” you screamed as the Elk kept runnimg only to earn a full laugh from Daruk, fearing to ger the animal hurt, you dismounted it and kept on running as you screamed “WHY DON’T YOU HIT REVALI? HE’S THE ONE THAT THREW THE BALL” as you ran towards the stable and jumped over the fence with all the strength you could muster.

   Only to land in front of the girls out of breath, you simply laid there and tried to recover the energy you had to use to flee from a rampaging Goron, you rolled over and covered your face with your arm only leaving your mouth and nose poking out to catch a breath. Only to be poked by Urbosa saying “How was your sparing session with Link? Is this a new technique you two discovered to help with speed?” with a laugh. You looked up saw Mephas worried stare and Zelda kneeling by Link trying to roll him over, but what caught your attention was a shadow on the stables head, only to realize it’s Revali perched on the stables head, with the little strength you had you screamed “Revali, you cucco, this was your fault, come down here” followed by Link singing “And he says his brave” which made Urbosa, Zelda and Mipha start to laugh as Revali was about to replied, a snowball structed him which gave you a satisfied smile as you heard Daruk laughing “finally got my target”.

                     -hours later-
“Make sure you have everything and make double sure that you aren’t leaving anything behind, we have a long way to go” said Zelda as she put her backpack on her royal white horse, “Revali and [ Name], could you two go ahead and scout the road and make sure there are no threats?” which made Revali give her an annoyed look, “With all due respect, I can scout fine by myself, if I could not do so, what good would I be as the Rito champion?”, rolling your eyes, you left your backpack with Link and produced a bandage for your right wrist.

   Link looked at you with a worried face and signed “Pain again?” which you simply replied, “you know what the cold does”, as you made your way in front of the group to wait for Revali, Mepha walked towards you and asked, “Will you be traveling with us to Zora’s Domain?”, giving her a smile you said “I will, I’m just going to scout the road ahead with Revali, if he ever stops boasting of being a better scout” you said with a glare towards him while he complained loudly to the Princess, “We’re just going make sure that the road is clear thats all”, giving you a small nod she stood in front of you holding her hands and she looked a bit flustered which made you lower a bit to get on eye level with her and grab her hand, with a confused face you asked her, “Mepha, are you alright? You’re acting a bit strange” which only made her blush as she stuttered a bit, out of nowhere, she gave you a light kiss on the cheek and said in a low shy voice “please be careful”, feeling your own blush rise you told her you will be.

    As she made her way back to help Princess Zelda, Revali flew over you screaming “I will not wait for you, as the best scout of the Rito people, I will not be weighed down by a mere excuse of a scout”, instead of arguing again you simply ran after him and decided it was best to wear the stealth gear that you bought at Kakariko village.

Half way down the road you spotes an enemie camp, you decided to take care of it to avoid trouble if they spot the caravan, slowly and carefuly you got closer making surr to stay hidden in the tall grass to avoid getting caught once you close enough, you saw a tall grass patch and decided to hide in it, only to realize that there was a Lizalfos archer looking your way but completly oblivouse of your presence but when you were getting your bow ready and nocking an arrow Revali passed over head and made the grass move with the force of the wind he produces leaving you visible for enough moments for the Lizalfos to spot you and try to sound a horn to warn the others, you quickly let it knocked arrow fly only to get inpaled on the head of the Lizalfos, when it fell of the tower and landed on the ground it turned into a puff of purple smoke. At the base of the stair stood a blue Lizalfos but it quickly met the sharp end of your sword as it got stabbed from behind. Slowly and silently making your way up the stair, you saw two Moblins passing around, one with a lance and the other with sword and shield. Taking time to count the time it took for each one to do a full circle, you count and the moment the Lance moblin got near the stairs, you stabbed it with the sword on its leg and when it fell, you ran the sword through the neck. The other Moblin noticed you and started to make his way towards you, it tried to stab you with its sword but you dogged it with a side step followed by a lance to the stomach. But it didn’t go down, as it started to give a fury of swipes as you kept dogging waiting an opening, you took out your shield and the moment the sword was going to hit it, you turned it in angel so the sword would slide off and give you a chance to kick the lance further inside its stomach, which made it give a gurgling sound as it’s body fell and turned to smoke only leaving a few teeth and organs.

Taking out your slate you opened the map and marked your location with the sword pin, which means that this is a Monster camp, you waited for the group to get near and told Zelda, “we’re at the North Hyrule plains, if you want to tell the Champions to go to their regions, this would be the best place. The only one that would be farthest from their region would be Mephas” which your worried voice did not go unnoticed be Zelda, “I think it’s best to send Revali and Urbosa home, we are going to pass through Crenel area to reach Zoras domain quicker” replied Zelda. “Revali and Urbosa, I will contact you if we need assistance, expect me and Link to visit to check on the divine beast, I still have a few theory’s I would like to try, please do be careful on the trip back”. Daruk started to laugh and smacked you and Link on the back “I’ll travel with you guys until we get near Death Mountain, I’m going miss you little guys”, you and Link had to take a few minutes to be able to walk after that hit.

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