Third Part

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          When you two got back, Urbosa counted the haul of meat you two brought which concluded with you bringing more meat, mainly because you were using your sword and bow. Daruk gives you a pat on the back, which coming from a goron, is more like hitting a wall, “Even with the head start you had, we both started collecting at the same time and yet I have to admit defeat”. Urboza holds back a chuckle as she sees you trying to hold back the pain and Link winces at the sight and the memory of the first time he met the Goron champion. “I must say, Not even I, the best one at hunting, was expecting you two to bring much meat, I think you two might have cleaned every animal in that forest” said Revali looking at the two of you with an alarmed face followed with him pinching the bridge between his eyes and beak “Even I won’t be able to store this much meat without it spoiling” , Daruk starts to laugh and says “ I guess I could use some meat” as he sat down and started to eat, “leave some space for the supper you dolt” yeld Revali with an offended tone.

                 ~ A few hours later ~
    "[ NAME]!!” you heard as you slept outside against the outside stable wall near the cooking pot, opening your eyes you saw Zelda standing in front of you holding your slate, “Link and I finished passing the data you two had in common and different, the two of you should have the same data now”, she said as she passed you the sibling’s slate, which Daruk and Revali looked at the slate and you noticed their confused face and started to tell them, “No, it’s not the same one as Link’s, he has the Sheika slate and I have the sibling’s slate”, they start to look more confused and you can’t help to laugh and keep explaining “only the one that share the same heart yet is different from the chosen hero will be able to use this device, for only the one that stood by his side since forgotten memories share the burden”, you finished saying as the two look at the slate and back at you “ but if anyone tried to use it, does it work?” asked Revali to which you answered with  "Now they can, but before when the Research team first found this and presented it to the king, many soldiers who trained with Link claimed to have been his brother, the King having trouble beliving them, took out a day for all those claming to be his brother tried to activate the slate which ended with no one being able to active it”.

“One day the King saw me sparing with Link and asked me how we knew each other”, as you finished saying, you saw Link poking his head and sits by your side with Zelda at you’re right, “I told him how we were raised together since my parents were sent to a battle and never returned and how Links family raised me as their child, with us being raised together since we could remember, Link and I were basically brothers, even if not by blood”. “After I finished telling that to the King, he presented me with the slate and was explaining me what they found about how it’s supposed to work and the explination it held as for being able to be used”, you saw that Urbosa was helping Mipha outside to sit in front of you and with Daruk and Revali and you can’t help but to scratch the back of your head in a shy way.           

“I honestly didn’t pay much attention to his words, the slate felt as if it were calling for me, to take it in my hands and look through its eyes. The king finished talking and he told me to pick it. The moment that I did, the screen lit and it started to make weird noises and after a while, it was on the camera rune which Zelda is very familiar with”, you said as you ruffled her hair which earned you a light punch on the shoulder. Since Link is her appointed knight, the three of you would spend time together and she ended up being like your older sister, “Then Link taught me the other functions it has, but I can’t active Shrines like he can, I can only active their teleport pads, but I can use the towers to download the regions map.” You showed them your slate and Link pulled out his for them to compare, your slate’s light is mostly a light blue in the center of the eye and instead of orange, there’s a soft red glow with yours being a bit smaller than his.

“But then why can you active the shrines and not enter but your able activate towers?” asked Revali, which made the group look at him as he asked and then at you, as you were putting the slate back at your waist, Zelda started to explain “Only the hero chosen by the sword may activate the Shrines and partake in their trails to prove himself worthy of the title of ‘The Goddess chosen Champion”. Without Link noticing, you undid his tied hair, which made him look at you with an annoyed look and undid yours but the moment you felt his hand on your hair, you grabbed your hair to avoid it from falling from the form it had. The group started to chuckle which confused Zelda but after she saw the two of you fighting to take back each other’s ties. She can’t hold back a giggle and says  “Even if the two of you aren’t blood brothers, one would not tell the difference besides the hair and eyes”, Which made the two of you scratch the back of each other’s head making the group started to laugh.

               - Moments later -
    “The food is ready, get it while it’s hot” said Revali, Urbosa grabbed a plate and handed it over you, “Take Mepha with you upstairs, she’s still too sick to be out here eating with this cold” as she passed you the plate, she gives you a wink and a knowing smile “Great, I got Zelda screaming aww each time I interact with Mepha and Urbosa teasing me, let’s see which one make me die first ” you thought to yourself while hiding a blush, walking towards Mepha you told her “I think it’s best if you eat in your room, the cold and heat from the meal could make your sickness worst”, giving you a nod she tried to stand but failed, putting the tray on a nearby bench you helped her and told her to hold your arm as you held the tray on your hands and made your way towards her room.

She let go of your arm to open the door, telling her to go first,she laid on the bed and coverd herself with the bed sheets as you put the food on the nightstand and started to drag the chair back to her side, as you sat down and passed her the bed table, she looked at you and said, “are you not going to eat [ Name]?”. You just noticed that you only had her plate, with a sheepish smile you answered “Urbosa only gave me your plate, I’ll be right back”. As you got up and made your way towards the door, you heard Mipha give out a suprised yelp followed by the fork falling to the ground, you looked at her a bit worried and confused which made her get a little shy and mutter “I’m still a bit weak”, you couldn’t hold back the chuckle, “give me a moment” you said as you went down stair, you brought another fork and sat down. You took a napkin and passed it over her, which she laid on the sheets covering her lap and looked at you confused, with a smile you cut some of the hearty salmon and picked it up with the fork raising it towards her mouth which made her blush, this time not going unnoticed by you, “Don’t worry, I don’t mind” you told her giving her a full smile, with a blush she shyly leaned forwards and took the bite. This went on for a few minutes as she ate slowly the meal.

Half way through the fish, Urbosa knocked on the door and entered holding your plate, the two of you tried the best to cover the blush, Urbosa making her way towards you said as she rustled your hair “Looks like someone is a good nurse, but with all due respect, isn’t she a bit old to be hand fed?”. With a nervous chuckle, you told her “She tried holding the forked, but was too weak to hold it, looks like the few minutes that she was outside with us only made her a bit more sick”. As you finished saying, Mepha started to cough and this time covering her mouth with both hands with a frown, she leaned forward and it seemed to hurt her a bit to cough. Urbosa noticed your worried face and tried her best to hide her smirk.

“Well, better safe than sorry kid, I think you should spend the night by her side and make sure her fever goes down" she said with a smirk which you saw before she hid it and added "if that’s okay by her that is”, which made Mipha widen her eyes, Mepha looked down and after a few minutes considering the option, shyly looking at you giving a small nod and looking away. “then that’s that”, said Urbosa she put your food at the nightstand and put her hand on the chair, “I’ll feed her, you get ready to spend the night here”. As you were leaving the room, you looked back and couldn’t help but notice how Mepha and Urbosa looked like mother and daughter, with a small smile you made your way to your room and picked a few things to take a shower and return to Mepha.

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