sixth part

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    You saw how the sun would reflect of her crimson scales giving them a gentle pink shade and how they would change slightly from red to pink shade as she would turn in her sleep, the way her small red lips would be in a pout and would move slightly as she breathed, how she would gently frown and yet looks peaceful and beautiful almost as if there were not a thing to worry, how her head fins would gently fall by her temples and move gently, how her head tail would move from side to side ever so gently, as if it were in the water floating. Ever so gently, you started to wake her up.

  “Mepha”, you said gently while leaning forward and laying your head on top of your arms on the edge of the bed which she only frowned a bit more. shaking her a bit “Mepha wake up”, she started to move a bit, giving her back to you, which you found adorable, “Mepha” you said in a singing tune, whichsje turned towards you and mumbles something. “ She’s not waking up, time to use the last resort” you though to yourself “Mepha, please wake up” you said in the most gentle tone you could do as you leaned forward rest your forehead against hers, after a few moments she open her eyes gently making you chuckle, after dozing off a few time she opened and closed her eyes gently a few times, she realized how you were resting against her and with wide eyes came a blush and you hold back the laugh that waa coming and stayed laying there admiring how her eyes looked like the world’s most beautiful amber and how they seemed to sparkle.

   “Morning sleepyhead”, was all you could say as the two of you locked eyes, “M…morning” she said a bit shy, as you started to move away you felt how she frowned and she moved forward as not to break the contact, with a light blush you ask her “um… do… you want to stay in bed a few more moments?” you asked her which she gave you a big smile and a gentle nod. You pulled the chair closer and laid a bit more in the bed, resting your head against hers, you saw how she was slowly closing her eyes and was fighting to stay awake, noticing this you told her with a hot blush creeping up your neck and slowly reaching your hylian ears, “I didn’t sleep much, would you mind if I close my eyes for a few moments?”, she gave you a small nod and you saw how she put both of her hands under her face and rested her head against yours with a bit less of shyness, holding back a smile you closed your eyes for a few moments and decided that even if it were for a few minutes, you should let the moment last as long as it can and without noticing you fell sleep.

You woke up to the sound of a spoon scrapping against a plate, the sudden sound made your hylian ears twitch, then you felt a pair of small hands start to pet your hair and you can’t help but give a satisfied sigh and fell asleep again for a few minutes only to be woke up at the sound of your name, “ [ Name]”, you don’t know who’s calling but they have a sweet voice, “[ NAMEE]” accompanied by a light rub of the hair, “ [ NAME] please wake up” which you only mumbled back with “just a few more minutes”, you heard some giggles “ was that Mepha?”,you thought to yourself as you slowly started to get up from the comfortable pillow, rubbing the sleep of your eyes you started to focus on your surroundings, only to realize that you were actually sleeping on Mepha’s lap, seeing that you finally woke up you Mepha smiled warmly at you with a very light blush and you couldn’t help but notice that her smile was warming you inside, “Good morning sleepyhead” she said to you with a happy tone, “you said that you wanted to close your eyes for a few moments but you slept for a few hours”.

“Not that I found it uncomfortable” she said as she blushed at the last part, “sorry, I guess your lap is really comfortable” you said but once you realized what you said you had to hide the red blush that crept on your cheeks and the tip of your ears, “um.. how are you feeling?” you asked with hopes to change themes, “to be truly honest, I feel better but I only have a few coughs, but besides that I’m well” she said as she got of the bed and put her champions cloth across her shoulders. You couldn’t fight against the smile that took over and said, “I’m glad that you’re feeling well” as you got up and started to grab your things, she walked towards you holding her hands shyly and waited for you to finish getting ready, once you finished she caught you off guard as she gave you a hug but her being a bit smaller, she hugged your stomach, she took you by surprise but you quickly rested your head on hers and returned the hug. You could stay like that for an eternity, there was no creature or thing that could ruin this moment, and she didn’t seem to want it to end either, after a while you heard her say “Thank you” and you had to look down to reach her eyes and said, “No need to thank me”. Locking eyes, you could appreciate every little detail about her and you notice that she was doing the same, after a few minutes of hugging she took a few steps back and you realize how the white of her face had a light red tainting them but you had your own blush and decided not to tease her about it and said, “We should tell the other that you’re feeling better, we have a long way to go if we want to reach Zora’s Domain”.

 With a nod, you opened the door but before letting her pass, you took of your coat and put it on Mepha's shoulders which made her give you a wide eye stare, as she was about to complain you said, “we don’t want you to get sick again” which made her blush and she covered her face with the coat hiding the smile you shed from her, You let her pass first and you followed her with the tray of the food looking at her head tail as it moved side to side.

As you join the othe outside, you saw Revali eating the breakfast that you made him, Daruk laying on the floor snoring loudly, Urbosa and Zelda sharing a few words but once they saw you, they all gave you two a wide smile with Urbosa saying “Looks like the sleeping couple finally woke up” followed by snickering from Zelda and a small chuckle from Revali. You and Mpha shared a wide eyes stare and looked away blushing, “I must say [ NAME], even though you need to perfect your cooking if you want to be able to be compared to the Rito Champion, the food was somewhat pleasant”, Urbosa and Zelda gave him a menacing stare followed up by “besides Revali proud way of saying "thank you for making a good breakfast", we are grateful for the delicious breakfast that you cooked, it even made Daruk fall asleep which should be a compliment but now he won’t stop snoring” which made you scratch the back side of your head in a shy way accompanied by a confused face from Mephas which didn’t go unnoticed by Urbosa who told her “Your nurse here” pointed towards you as you laid the backpack on the floor, “Woke up really early and started to sword practice, when he saw the sun, he cooked  for all of us and yes, he did eat”. Mepha gave you a worried stare but was washed away as she realized that you fell asleep on her lap, making her blush a bit more, she gave a small nod but looked down as Zelda pulled her by the hand and sat her between her and Urbosa asking her how she was feeling, which she answered with “if I may be completely honest, after holding the star fragment that [ NAME] showed me, I woke up feeling better”.

Just as Urbosa and Zelda were turning to give you a teasing smile and were about to say something, you felt a hand on your shoulder and as you turned around you saw Link holding a sword against your chest, “you want to spar?”  he signed as you took the sword. “I do owe you for practicing that early” you said as you made your way towards a space the stable had for swordsmen to practice their swordplay.

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