Fifth part

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“Come on Mepha, breath” you said as you hold her small fragile body against your chest shaking her lightly. “no, no, no, no, please don’t leave” you cried as you saw the blood pooling under her. “please…”, you whisperd without any more energy from crying while you laid your forehead against hers, feeling the cold tears rolling down your face as you hear Van Ruta powering down. “I was too late” you said as you felt the cold ancient steel tearing through your chest, “At least I’ll be right behind you” you found yourself thinking as the whole scene went black.

    You sat straight with you’re eyes wide open and lungs out of air, shaking and sweating you sat straight and took a moment to realize where you were..

Looking at Mepha’s sleeping figure on the bed you felt an incredible relive, feeling a warm tear roll down your cheeck, you dried it realizing that you were crying in your sleep as the sheets where you were sleeping were markes with small wet marks, you got up and kissed Mepha lightly on the cheek as you made your way out of the room and in to the bathroom to clean your face and knowing you won’t fall asleep anytime soon, you washed you’re mouth.

Leaving the bathroom, you notice how there is nobody in the lobby, just the innkeeper, a tall caramel skinned young fellow, “I guess I could advance today’s sword practice, I’m sure Link won’t mind” you ended up thinking as you walked your way down the stair and outside the stable. “having a restless night young man?” asked the innkeeper as he saw you making your way outside which you gave him a small forced smile and answered, “you could say that, just a little nightmare, nothing a sword practice can’t fix”. He simply gave you a nod and handed you a warming elixir followed by “it’s on the house”. After giving him thanks and swallowing the elixir and waiting until you're body startes to feel warm from the elexir, you took a sword that was laying on the ground and started to practice the stances that you often practiced with Link.

   After long hours of practicing you notice that the sun was starting to raise and decided that it was best to start cooking breakfast for the others. “I’m already awake, why wait?” you thought to yourself as you went to retrieve your backpack and started to make breakfast for the group.

First was Revali, being a Rito you made him a fried seeds and rice with fried bass, you never understood how he could eat that as a breakfast, but he always got a tad more annoying if he doesn’t get his breakfast with some seed on the side, which you always teased him that he looked like a Cucco when he was eating and the fact that once a Cucco was eating seeds at his side helped to compare. Next was Daruk which cooking for him was a bit… complicated, mainly because Gorons having a diet based off rocks and minerals, finding the right rock would be challenging especially in the Tundra, looking around for some rocks you remembered that he once told you that if you stabbed your nails in a rock and it felt as if the rock had the dents from the nail, that was food for a pebble goron, a real goron would eat the toughest and hardest of rocks as if it were wheat, so the harder the rock the better.

    Having only snow, you grabbed an Iron sledgehammer that was near and smash a few rocks that were near the shrine. After collecting the rocks, you tossed them in cooking pot with some prime meat and left it to burn and by burn, it’s to be turned into charcoal, the only way you knew that Daruk truly enjoyed the meat was when it was completely burnt, which you had to learn the hard way when he offered to cook for the group, which you ended up with meat charcoal on your plate and the whole group with stomach ache for the entire trip to Terry town. As you were cooking, a few stray dogs that where around the stable made their way towards you, when you heard the whimpering and turned around to see five dogs in a line behind you whining for some food, searching in the bag you found a few pieces of meat and gave it to them with a smile.

Next was Urboza, which she simply ate a Honey Crepe with a few slices of fried Zapshroom, which always made you wonder how she ate so little and ended up being so… Urboza. Maybe all Gerudo women that are chief are that tall and muscular, but when she was hungry, she could compete with Link and Daruk and actually win. You learned that she had to have her slice of Zapshroom, last time she didn’t ate one the whole group had to be silent or she would snap and start fighting and a fight with Urbosa is worse than fighting 20 moblins.

  Link would always eat the same, which you gave thanks for being so simple, he would eat anything but you learnd what was his favorite breakfast which was...pancake and beacon. He eats so much and yet stays so slim, but it was scary the strength that was hidden inside that skinny guy, he proved to be a power house when Daruk asked Link to pass his Boulder breaker without breaking his back, which Link grabbed with one hands and passed it to Daruk as if it didn’t weight. You could carry it with both hands and give it a swing, but Link could stay all day using it.

    Zelda was the easiest, a simple Omelet made with fresh milk on the battered egg and add a little bit of goat butter and a pinch of salt from a salt rock. You silently give thanks to Zelda’s chef, nice fellow with a tendency of giving you spare ingredients because Zelda told him that you liked to cook, for telling you how to make sure she doesn’t start the day in a bad mood. One of the dogs puts her head on your lap and you can’t help but to laugh and say, “You don’t have to be cute to ask for more meat girl” you said as you pet her head and give the dogs a few more pieces of meat.

Now was time to cook something for Mepha, you wanted to cook her some glazed seafood, but she’s too weak to eat anything hard and yet you considered to start giving her something a bit stronger to eat. Much to your despair, she always ate the same for breakfast and didn’t complain when her meal got changed for something else, in the end you decided to cook her some seafood stew with some warm milk, after a while of cooking and feeding the dogs, you finished cooking and started consider what to cook for yourself and decided to cook some mushroom stew, it always helped when you were feeling bad and you were still shaken a bit from the nightmare.

   After you finished cooking, you heard Urboza’s steps behind you, you turned around to see her rubbing her eyes with a lion’s mane for hair. She gave you a kiss on the cheek, which was more like a sister giving a kiss, “And what’s the reason for you to be awake this early [ NAME]?” she asked with a worried stare, “um... I started t sword practice early and I saw that the sun was rising and decided to cook for the group”. You felt as she ruffled your hair and she gave you a soft hug which you went stiff waiting for her to squeeze but was grateful she didn’t, because it would be coming from gerudo taller than a Goron and with muscles that would put a Lynel in shame, it wouldn’t feel like a hug. “Do try better to lie, I can tell you had a nightmare “, she said undoing your hair “and since when have you been having them?” she asked as she picked her plate and sat beside you, “since I could remember, I always had them. There’s not a single day I can actually sleep well, I can only sleep four or less hours”, You looked at her and you saw she was genuinely worried, not her typical smirk or the usual playful stare which was weird coming from Urboza, “Your telling me, that since you joined the group last year, you’ve been running on low energy because you haven’t been able to sleep? And yet you’ve been fully aware of the surroundings, the rout, the weather and have been able to keep the group’s moral high?”.

Now that she says it like that, she makes it sound if you were one of those Divine Beast they dug up, a tireless machine. Giving her a sheepish smile and scratching the backside of your head you gave her a nod which made her give out a sigh and say “ Next time were at a inn, I’m going to teach you a recipe for a sleeping elixir”, getting up and putting on the backpack and putting you're and Mepha’s food on a tray you give her a forced smile and said “Thanks, but they don’t have effect on me, the castle’s mage gave me a few and none worked, which also means that I fall sleep when the sun is rising, which helps when I’m scouting an area”, you finished talking and saw that her smirk and playful stare returned and swallowed hard because you know what’s coming.

     “How about a dare? I pay you 200 rupees if you don’t fall asleep but if you do fall asleep, you have to pay me 200 rupees and teach me the recipe for this dish”. She said as she pointed at her food with the fork, With a smirk of your own you told her “deal, but I have to be present when you make the elixir and you have to tell me when”. After a shake of hands to seal the bet, you made your way to Mepha room, you went inside and you put the tray on the nightstand, you took off the backpack laying it besides the nightstand and sat down, you couldn’t help but admire the sleeping Zora before you.

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