Farren nodded in reply, finding himself at loss for words at the feeling of Kaden's hand around his wrist. But all good things must come to an end Farren understood, as they made their way to the third floor and Kaden let go of his hand.

It felt surprisingly colder without Kaden's grip.

"This can be your room." Kaden said, motioning towards the white door that stood before them.

Farren suddenly felt like an idiot for feeling slightly disappointed. Of course they wouldn't continue to share a room now that they had a choice. It was stupid of him to get his hopes up.

He glanced around the decorative room, unable to appreciate it. He dropped his luggage on the floor before turning to face Kaden who looked at him expectantly.

"Well?" Kaden said.

"I like it." Farren said with a shrug. The room was okay, the bed looked comfortable and there was a large flat screen telivision mounted on the wall. But there was none of Kaden's bags on the floor, or his messy side of the bed that Farren grew accustomed to in their short few weeks of living together.

"Cmon, I'll show you my room." Said Kaden, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"God River's, at least buy me dinner first." He replied with a smirk, brushing his earlier thoughts out of his mind and focusing his attention to Kaden.

"Bit late for that don't you think." Kaden said with a smirk of his own, staring at Farren seductively.

Wow, this was not helping Farren Junior to stay calm.

"Whatever pervert," he said with a roll of his eyes, pushing past Kaden, suppressing a smile as he did so.

"You love it." Kaden replied, and Farren could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Debatable." He fired back over his shoulder, ignoring the butterflies in his stomach

"Hey Milton?" Kaden asked.

"Yes Rivers?"

"Wrong direction." Kaden sniggered, and Farren could feel embarrassment heating up his cheeks.

He turned to face Kaden's smug look. "Fuck you Kaden"

"Just give me a time and a date and I'll be there." Kaden replied with a wink, leaving Farren at loss for words once again. But Farren Junior seemed to have a lot to say in the issue.

God, ten minutes and he was already finding it hard to keep his composure.

How on earth would he survive the next three weeks?


"And this one's my room." Kaden said as he was showing Farren around the house, pushing the door open.

Oh shit.

How could he have forgotten about his little rage blackout? His room was thrashed, everything thrown apart and broken.

His walls were bare, the picture frames and posters now flung all over the room. There was furniture overturned and the bed clothes were thrown around. It looked like a fucking crime scene.

"Jesus Christ Kaden, we should call the cops." Farren's voice exclaimed from behind him, after a quiet moment of shock.

Farren thought it was a break in. Well this was gonna be awkward.

Kaden turned to face Farren awkwardly. "No need." He said with a forced joking tone, trying to keep his voice light.

"Kaden, look at the state of this place. Look around, make sure nothing is missing. We should check the other rooms too." Farren replied, and Kaden could hear the concerned urgency in his words.

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