||Chapter One||

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||Chapter One||

The string of my bow dug into my fingertips. The fletching just barely brushed my skin ready to fly. I kept my bow loaded prepared for anything.

My boots made small crunch noises as I rushed away from the herd. I was looking for a tree sturdy enough to hold my weight overnight or at least for a few hours to let the corpses pass by.

Their moaning was getting closer and my time was running short. The thicker trees didn't have any low branches or splits in the trunk so that wasn't an option. Finally, I came across a tree that provided protection with plentiful leaves and easy accessibility.

I slung my bow across my back and began to grasp the bark. It was rough under my palms and pinched my skin. The bottom of my boots gripped the tree holding me in place. A little bit at a time, I made my way up near the top.

The geeks wouldn't see me from here and my scent shouldn't reach them. Soon, they'll forget what they were chasing after.

I settled down and calmed my nerves. My legs throbbed from running and climbing. The bow was digging in my back so I decided to take it off and hang it on a nearby branch. My sheath of arrows soon accompanied it. My bag of supplies still hung on my shoulders. I ripped it off without falling and grasped my sleeping bag along with a ration of bread.

I raised the bread to my mouth and pushed my teeth into the stale grain. It felt good to chew every once in awhile. Every time I get the rare chance, there's barely anything to devour. Before I die, I'm going to have a feast as my last meal.

This tree would be a great overnight stay to make sure the geeks are far off. Even though the branch dug into me, it was the most comfortable bed I've had in a while. I strapped my belt across my stomach and around the tree. I tested out contraption so I wouldn't have to find out if it worked in my sleep.

I looked across the sky to notice day was nearing a close. I could barely see the oranges, yellows, and reds through the dark leaves. I lay my head against the tree and focused on what I was supposed to do now.

It's been a year that I've been fighting to live. The warrior inside me was starting to lose her strength. Her muscles are tired and ready to give up, but I'm not going to stop unless I absolutely can't keep going.

The moans started to grow in sound. I peeked below and saw a crowd of twenty under me. I could shoot them from up here, but there would be no point to it.

I put my head back in the position it was in before and stared at the branches above me. My eyes drooped as the moaning lulled me to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

My eyes lazily opened and saw daylight. The air was moist and cold. It was time to get on the move to another spot.

My weapons lay in the same place. I collected my things and got everything in order before climbing down. Once my feet touched the ground, I let out a heavy sigh. I grasped my bow and knocked an arrow in place. I set my fingers to where they should be and marched to find some sort of safe haven.

I haven't been able to find a group. The number of survivors is slowly decreasing so the chances of them still out there is slim. Probably the only people left are rapists and drug heads.

My worries started to grow when at least one geek wasn't in sight. The herd must've scraped up the stragglers and brought them to wherever they were heading. I feel sorry for the next guy that has to deal with that.

My eyes were attentive as I watched the brush. There was no movement in the leaves. I then glanced to my left to see a weird, tan shape. It looked stationary and stood a little shorter than most of the trees.

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