Scars (Daryl Dixon FanFiction)

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I wanted the memories to fade away. The blood covering their faces only made me even more frightened. They risked so much for me and now they're bones and walking corpses.

I could've had the same fate, but I have some immunity to the disease. I wouldn't say I'm a super human. I'm just different. I was bit on my shoulder, but I never broke into a fever or had any of the symptoms. I was only scarred with a bite mark.

Life has been harder without the group. Since they risked their lives to find out what I am, I feel I should finish the job for them.


A/N: So this is the prologue to my new story. I imagine Avery, the girl speaking, to look like Lara Croft from Tomb Raider which is why she's on the front cover. She won't have the accent, but that's what I imagine her to look like.

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