Chapter 12 - It's Complicated

Start from the beginning

"Iraq," came the terse reply.

"What happened?" she asked.

Alex stiffened all over and Isobel must have felt it for she withdrew her hands.

"Classified information," came the terse reply.

Alex was saved by the bell when Nikos exited the room with Cassia's physician. Antonio, Alex, and Isobel all stood up at the same time.

"How is she?" Alex asked.

"She's resting. The doctor says her vitals are stable now and that the babies are fine,"

"Thank God!" And the two hugged each other. Alex came forward and clasped Nikos' hand as well.

"My men have taken care of everything. This includes transferring the money back to the respective accounts as well as the statement for the media and explanations to the police," Alex informed his friend.

"Thanks, Alex. I really appreciate it."

"No problem, man."

"So what's next for everyone?" Nikos asked.

"I'm staying here with you guys. This is a vacation anyway," Alex shrugged.

"Elise and I have to go back to Spain. We miss our little one," Antonio replied.

"Uhm... Well, I have to go back to the US. I'm way behind my deadline for an article," Isobel answered.

Alex turned his back on her. Truth was, he's going to miss being with her. But every time they're together, disaster strikes. He didn't want her life in danger and he really had to stay away from her before he did something stupid like following-up on asking her for a second chance.

"I have to leave now but please call or text me when there are any updates about Cassia. Want to talk to her when she wakes up as well," she added.

"I'll let you know once she wakes up," Nikos answered with a smile.

"Great, thanks! I have to leave soon. I need to pack my things and head to the airport."

I'll walk you out. It was on the tip of Alex's tongue. But he thought the better of it and decided not to. Some of his men were nearby and they could watch over Isobel until her bodyguards came for her.

Besides, not spending any more time with her avoided awkward conversations. And not taking a short walk with her avoided a stilted goodbye.

From the corner of his eye, Alex saw her glance at him as though waiting. Antonio and Nikos already said their goodbyes.

He had to disappoint her again.

"Have a safe flight, Isobel," he told her.

Then, he turned his back on her and walked with Nikos and Antonio to Cassia's room.


"What the hell is wrong with him?" Isobel muttered under her breath as she walked away.

Men are so hard to understand and they said it's women who are complicated! Women are actually complicated because of men. The biggest complication of all was Alex.

Tonight, she saw him in action. He was calm and composed even in a difficult situation. When everyone else was panicking, even her, Alex remain calm and acted logically. She saw how he fought back at her hotel.

This time was much different, though.

This was the first time she saw him in his element as a mercenary. He was calm yet lethal. His lean body moved gracefully as he punched, kicked and dodged. His eyes remain stoic even when he had to fire a shot and take a life.

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