Chapter 12

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I'm so sorry for not updating sooner and It's not because I don't care about this fanfic because I really do, it's just because I had no idea where I was going with this story. I had serious writer's block and I could not think of what I wanted to happen next that I was happy with. There were a million different things that I could have happen but I wasn't happy with any of them. I just want you guys to know that the reason why it sometimes takes a little longer for a chapter to come out is because I don't know what I want to happen next and I don't want to give you guys shit content that I'm not even happy with. I have a better idea of what I'm doing so hopefully there won't be as big of a gap between the chapters this time.

Side note: my friend wrote a one-shot about Toothless and Hiccup by my request so if you want to read it here's the link:
Disclaimer: It's a sexual one shot (the best kind)

Hiccups pov

I walk around a tree and when I see that Astrid found Toothless, I smile and run over to them.

"You found him!" I say to Astrid who is standing beside a sitting Toothless.

"Yeah, he was just sitting here next to this tree when I found him." She says. I nod then turn to Toothless.

"Toothless, I'm sorry, I overreacted to the situation and you must've been scared. Astrid is my girlfriend so you aren't allowed to do the things that you did to her." I say. He stares at me with a blank face for a moment before he responds.

"O-ok." Toothless voice sounds kind of raspy but I'm guessing that's just from it being cold out.

"I explained it all to him before you got here," Astrid says with a grin.

"Alright, that's good," I reply, happy that everything turned out ok.

"Here, I brought this jacket for you. It's getting really late so we should probably head back now." I hand the jacket to Toothless and he hesitantly takes it. I wonder why he's being so weird right now. He's not acting like his usual cheerful self.

"Astrid, you go back on Stormfly and Toothless and I will walk back," I say.

"No, it's fine we'll walk with you," She says.

"Ok, then." The walk back to our cottage was uneventful. Astrid and I made normal banter and nothing was strange except that Toothless was extremely quiet. I suspect that he is probably just tired and it's nothing to worry about. We get back to the cottage and I remember how this is Astrid's first night staying at my house.

"Where is Toothless going to sleep? When we planned this out, Toothless was a dragon so he could just sleep on the floor but now that would be quite uncomfortable," I say.

"There's an inn down the road, he can just sleep there until we figure something out. Maybe in the future, we can get a house for him," Astrid says with a smile.

"Wait, but..." But what? This is the most logical thing to do so why does it feel so wrong. Astrid and I have been dating a while and will probably get married soon. Of course we aren't going to live with someone else. So, why does the idea of sleeping away from Toothless feel so bad?

"Nevermind. Here Toothless, money for the inn. Also here are some clothes. There's a knife on the belt, just so you know, don't cut yourself on accident." I hand Toothless the money and clothes and he looks slightly dazed, like his mind was somewhere else. Without looking at me he turns to leave.

"See you tomorrow," I say awkwardly.

"Bye," He says then leaves.

I turn and walk to the bed that Astrid is in, feeling really unsatisfied with the way that turned out. I get in bed with Astrid and she turns over to face me. She gets on top of me and pushes her lips to mine but I unconsciously move my head to the side to break the kiss.

Human (Toothless x Hiccup/httyd)Where stories live. Discover now