Chapter 11

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This scene overlaps chapter 10 just through Toothless' point of view.

Toothless pov

When Astrid walks in, the look on her face shows that she is clearly suspicious of what's going on, but Hiccup explains everything to her and she seems to act like she understands. We all sit down around a table and are just having a normal conversation until she tells Hiccup to get firewood.

"Thanks, babe." She says, clearly looking over at me when she says the last word. I can't help but let my smile falter at it. Before Hiccup gets up, she gives him a slight peck on the cheek, glancing at me again making me clench my fist but I try not to let my annoyance show on my face. While Hiccup walks to the door, Astrid continues our normal conversation but the second the door shut, she stops talking and her smile falls into a scowl.

She gets out of her chair, walks over to me, and pulls me out of mine. She grabs the collar of my shirt and slams me against the wall.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Astrid asks.

"Wha-" She cuts me off before I can get a single word out.

"You know what I'm talking about. Do you think you can just turn into a human and take my boyfriend from me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't fucking lie. I can clearly see the lust you have for him. And what was that whole 'falling off the bed thing'. Do you know what people do when they fall on someone? They get off. They don't hover over them, stare into the other's eyes and have a moment. It's so blatantly obvious. Did you think that just because you became a human that you would have a chance with him? That he would he like a faggot like you? You have nothing that would make anyone like you. You are nothing. Why are you even here? Do you think anyone wants you here? Just think about that. Who would be bothered or sad if you were to just disappear. You're just an annoying puppy that follows Hiccup around." Astrid pauses for a second and looks behind her at the closed door.

Throughout Astrid's verbal attack, I can't say anything. I don't even try. I just stand there and take the words. Why don't I say anything back to her? Why don't I defend myself in someway? Is it because I'm in shock? Because I'm frozen in fear? Or is it because what she's saying is true and I know it? I can't defend myself because I have nothing to defend myself with. She's right. Of course I never had any intention to steal Hiccup, I know that's impossible but I no doubt have feelings for him. I am a faggot and a nuisance. I just never could admit it to myself. That no one needs me, wants me. The only person that made me doubt these things was Hiccup.

After looking at the door Astrid turns her head back to me.

"This is what you get for fucking with me." She says then does the thing I would least expect: she kisses me.

I'm in too much shock from the entire situation to notice how she turns us around so that she is the one on the wall, how she grabs the front of my shirt and pulles me closer to her in a way that you can't tell she was pulling on it. I'm even in too much of a trance to notice how the door opens and Hiccup walks in.

It all happens so fast that I can't comprehend anything. Astrid pushing me back then running into Hiccup's arms. It's like I'm in a dream or watching a movie. I am finally brought back to reality when Hiccups harsh words come crashing down around me, waking me up from the dream state I am in.

He doesn't even let me explain even though he probably won't believe me anyways. He just tells me to get out. As I walk past him I see the rage and betrayal in his eyes and it crushes my new human heart to pieces.

I can't take seeing it anymore so I run out of the house. I run and run and run. I don't know where I'm going but I know it just has to be away from here. I don't care what I hit, what branch slaps me in the face, or what I trip over. I just get back up and run.

Human (Toothless x Hiccup/httyd)Where stories live. Discover now