"THERE YOU ARE CROCODILE! I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" Everyone looks at him in horror, when he runs up to them with the sled, and starts swinging at them.

"Oh, shit!" Rose and the others jump back from Luffy, as he keeps swinging the sled towards them.

"CROCODILE'S NOT HERE LUFFY!" Usopp yells as he dodges the sled, but his words fell to deaf ears as Luffy continues his rampage.

Luffy slams the sled on the ground, and roars like a beast, while everyone dodges the falling luggage, and debris of the broken sled.

"Not good." Sanji says as he, Zoro, Rose and Ace get ready to fight the crazed captain.

Usopp jumps back in fear while Chopper digs into his bag for something that can help.

Luffy can only see the hallucination of Crocodile in front of him, as he pulls his fist back. "GUM GUM-!" 

Before he could punch anyone, he immediately fell asleep after Chopper managed to sneak up from behind, and knock him out with a tranquilizer shot.

The small reindeer raises the needle up triumphantly after he knocked out his captain. "That'll take care of him!"

The others sigh in relief, while Sanji gives him a thumbs up. "Way to go Chopper!"

Ace walks up to his little brother, picks him up over his shoulder, and he chuckles at his antics. "Just like when we were kids. Sorry about this guys, I'll take care of carrying him."

Nobody has any objections to that, as they pick up their own bags, with Nami and Vivi's bags on Chopper's sled, and get back on their journey to find the girls.

Usopp sighs in frustration as they keep going. "What do we do now? We completely lost them."

Rose quietly sighs as she looks ahead. "No clue."

Everyone keeps looking straight ahead, as they continue walking for what feels like hours.

Rose remains quiet as she keeps walking in the front of the group, and not paying attention to her surroundings. She's distracted by how she doesn't remember Ace showing up during Luffy's rampage in the anime, so she probably succeeded in keeping them separated. 

Still, there's another problem. She has no idea why Luffy has been such a sour mood. She gets that the heat could bother people, but there's no way that just the heat would mess him that much, right?

She scratches the back of her head, then sighs when she can't figure out what's going on with her friend. She looks back at the group to check on him, then stops when she finds a pair of brothers missing. "What the hell?! Where did Ace and Luffy go?!"

The others stop, and look around to find that they lost their captain along with his brother!

"When did we lose them now?" Zoro asks while Rose flies up.

She looks around for any signs of them but there's no luck. She has no idea how the crap could they have gotten lost when the group was walking together. At the very least though, she got her wish in having Ace and Luffy spend time together...

She chuckles at the irony of how everything played out, before she lands on the ground. "Looks like our list of people to search for doubled. Sorry about this."

"There's nothing for you to apologize for Rose-chan. It's Ace's fault for wandering off with Luffy." Sanji says when everyone starts to hear rumbling.

The others look at each other for a moment before as they hear the sound growing louder from up ahead, and run towards it to find out what's going on.

A Wish on a Comet (Luffy x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon