Blast from the Past

Start from the beginning

            "Who are you and why are you sneaking up on me?" Bellezza shouts more embarrassed that someone heard her playing rather than startled.

            "Forgive me," the girl curtsies. "My name is Neamh. I'm the princess of Liam."

            Bellezza puts her hands on her hips. "Mother did say you all were coming," she sighs. "I'm Bellezza."

            The girls shake hands before Bellezza begins to walk towards her parent's study with Neamh not far behind. She walks in and finds her mother and father sitting at a large oak wood table speaking in hushed tones to whom Bellezza assumes to be the Liam royals. Vita stands when her daughter enters.

            "Well I see you've met," Vita gestures to Neamh and Bellezza.

            "We have," the princesses nod. They shoot each other looks, reliving their unexpected meeting.

            “You must be Bellezza,” Milis curtsies before the young princess. “I’m Queen Milis.”

            Bellezza acknowledges the queen with a curtsy of her own before turning to her parents.

            "My daughter," Richard clears his throat, "the Smithys will be staying with us for a while."

            "It will give you and Neamh a chance to get to know each other better," Vita adds. Before Bellezza has a chance to express her thoughts the queen claps her hands. Two servants come rushing into the room, bowing at the waist. "Jonathan, go and get the Smithys’ bags from their car." The tall man nods and runs off. "And you, Terence, can help him. And once the bags are in, place them in the spare rooms, if you please." The last servant nods before retreating outside. Vita looks at her daughter. "Can you show Neamh to her room? It's the one next to yours."

            Bellezza rolls her eyes and begins her trek towards the spare room. As they climb the staircase, Elizabeth- the servant who had been so careless and spilled hot tea on Bellezza's new sun dress- rounds the corner. The princesses look up and Elizabeth locks eyes with the Saharan princess. She quickly is on her knees, bowing and mumbling apologies. Only when the two had safely passed her does she get up and continue with her chores.

            Neamh looks back as the girl scurries down the stairs. She looks at Bellezza. "What was wrong with her?"

            The princess looks back at Neamh and shrugs. "She was clumsy and spilled hot tea on me. For that she was punished." Bellezza continues to walk down the corridor. "Why she gets on her knees every time I'm near is mystery to me."

           "I think she's afraid of you."

            Bellezza laughs. "As she well should be."

            Neamh tries hard to hide her surprise.

            At first glance, she looks so calm and kind. I would never have guessed that she is feared ruler. But I wonder if the servants’ fear is out of respect for their esteemed princess or out of agonizing terror?

            "This is the library," Bellezza points to a set of large double doors. The princess looks back at Neamh before she continues walking. "This," she points to a rather large wooden door, "is the guest bathroom complete with Jacuzzi tub, walk in shower, marble counter tops and porcelain toilet."

            As they continue to walk, they pass a door ever so dear to the princess' heart. For a second she stops and stares at it. So many memories come flooding back. Tears threaten to fall and Bellezza clutches her head to keep his voice from ringing in her ears.

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