August 28th, 2017

13 0 0

Dear Journal-Chan,

Oh boy a lot has happened. First of all, I went off on Raine for the first time and sort of separated her from our group. This didn't happen today but a few weeks ago, and I thought I finally got rid of her but she came crawling back and now texts Brendin and sends Emily screenshots of their conversations like uh can you not?? Anyways.

Big incident happened about a week before I moved into my college dorm. Austin met some girl he liked at this fair and fell in love with her and basically ditched me and all his feelings for me so yeah that kinda s u c k e d. But what was even worse was that he literally left us for a few days. Unfriended us on snapchat, blocked and unblocked us on Instagram, deleted Kik. It was such a tragedy, especially for me cuz I talk to him a lot and I just felt like a piece of my heart was missing from him being gone. But then all of a sudden, he came back, and we HAD OUR FIRST FIGHT. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT. IN THE FIVE YEARS WE'VE KNOWN EACH OTHER WE NEVER FOUGHT BEFORE BUT NOW WE DID CUZ I WAS MAD AT HIM FOR DITCHING US. LIKE I FELT TERRIBLE FOR WHAT I WAS SAYING BUT HE HAD TO KNOW. Thankfully we made up like really fast even though Brendin kept telling me to be a jerk to him and tell him to fuck off xD. ugh i really love them both (and Emily) so I hate choosing one over the other(s). 

Aside from all that, we've all been talking less lately. Our summer hype died T^T I really miss talking to them for hours and roleplaying and all. Stupid schooL. 

Actually I love my classes. OK SO. I moved into my dorm on August 22nd, and for the first two days I was extremely homesick. However, with my roommate and my FROGs I was able to get through it and finally got comfortable. Our dorm didn't have AC and the first few days were horrible but now it's a lot better. I'm jello of my roommate's side of the room cuz she has all these posters and figurines and pictures and epic dragon stuff and my side is so bare like boi i needta buy posters asap. 

Anyways I started classes today and it went really well, everyone was so chill and my professors were really nice and I'm just really glad to be here?? JMU rocks.

I'm slightly tired atm and I don't feel like continuing so I'll end it here.

Signing off~

My Online Diary~♡जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें