May 20th, 2015

18 0 0

Dear Journal-Chan,

Welp I'm finally done with exams yey!!! AND ONLY 18 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT (16 IF I DON'T COUNT THE DAYS WE HAVE A FIELD TRIP) I feel so relieved rn like omg *^* so anyways, some UPDATES:

1) My mom finally came home from the hospital!!! WOO

2) My best friend and I are really annoyed at this one girl who's supposedly our friend...but we've put up with her enough to the point where we can't stand her anymore. So we're trying to figure out wtf to do

3) my crush is liek checkin me out and shet like wtf since when does luck come to my side 0.0

4) I got hit in the face with a ball coming at full speed and it hurt only for a second but it healed so quickly....TY LORD JASHIN //perks of being a jashinist

5) My online bff might come visit me over the summer!!!! I'm so excited!!!

6) Someone very special to me is mad at me I think well he just won't talk to me...and it makes me upset cuz he won't tell me what's wrong ;-;

well thats about it *^* i'm being an unproductive lazy person today cuz I have so much I wanna do but 0 motivation xD

anywayz signing off~

My Online Diary~♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon