May 14th, 2015

9 0 0

Dear Journal-Chan,

I DID IT GUISE I SURVIVED THE AP EXAM! I'm so relieved like oml. I would tell you how it went but I don't wanna talk about it (not implying that I did bad but I'm just exhausted from it). So yeah! Well everyone who took the exam left school as soon as it ended and I wish I did too cuz I'm tired but in class our teacher let us have a party and watch Mulan cuz there's only 8 people so yay!!

Tomorrow my best friend and I are going out to celebrate finishing the AP exam!!! Just one more state test and finals and whatever else my teachers decide to give us and then freedom at last *^*

Summer please hurry!

Signing off~♡

(I was supposed to have this updated like about a week ago but I guess it never sent, O WHALE HERE IT IS)

My Online Diary~♡Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt