Ashton Irwin.

I mentally groaned, now figuring out who's house this was. The star of the soccer team. I played soccer back in my hometown, but since I moved I didn't want to join any teams because of stuck up pricks like Ashton himself.

I had English and maths with him, and they were dreadful. All the girls flirted with him and he flirted right back. Girls disgust me. (some people are taking offense to this, but please don't. luke does not mean it in a cruel way).

"Thanks, I think?" I finally spoke up after a couple minutes of silence.

I glance at the clock, knowing Harry had to be in bed by nine. It was only seven fifty four at the moment. I had been here for almost an hour and it wasn't that bad. Harry was a cooperative kid and I was actually thankful for that.

"Do you go to school with Ashton? He's the star of the soccer team! I hope to be just as good as him one day." He smiles wide with a mouthful of mac and cheese.

"And you will be." A voice startles me as three boys walk into the kitchen.

"Ashton!" Harry smiled again. "This is my babysitter, Luke! He's so cool."

"You're in my English class, right?" Ashton asks and I shrug.

"And maths."

"Cool." He nods, eyeing me for a minute before turning to Harry. "How was school today?"

"It was great! I learned a new soccer trick during gym! I'll have to show you tomorrow." His smile is so big, I feel like it's gonna get stuck that way.

"Sorry bud," Ashton ruffles Harry's hair. "I have practice, than I have some studying to do."

Harry frowns. "Oh, okay." He quickly turns to me. "Can I show you my new trick tomorrow?"

Mrs. Irwin did say I would be picking him up from school. . .

"Yeah, sure." I nod.

"Awesome!" Harry smiled again and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"So, Luke." Ashton says, leaning against the counter. "Where'd you move from? Oh! This is Michael and Calum, by the way."

"Hi." I purse my lips. "I'm from Michigan."

"That's cool. We had to travel there once because of a tournament." Ashton shrugs.

And that would be why his face had looked so familiar when I first moved here.

"Wait a minute," Michael holds up a finger. "Were you from Lapeer? Because that's who we played and you look familiar."

I bit my lip, "yeah."

"You were the captain!" Michael smiles. "Shit, dude, your team kicked our ass."

"Michael!" Ashton snaps and Michael's face instantly falls.

"So you have talent." Ashton shrugs. "Why don't you try out for the team?"

"I'm not up for playing on anyone else's team until I got to college." I say. "I could never go against my team."

"Too bad." Ashton sighs loudly. "You could've been our left fielder."

"Hey, that's my position." Calum speaks up.

"Well he's better than you." Ashton snaps.


I watch Calum glance from Michael, to Ashton, than to me, before he shakes his head and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"He'll be over it tomorrow." Ashton shrugs before pushing pass me and he opens the fridge. "Seriously though, you should stop being a sissy and try out for the team."

"No, thanks." I shake my head.

"Whatever," he shrugs, tossing Michael a bottle of snapple. "Suit yourself." They retreated back upstairs and I sigh, looking over at Harry who was looking back at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"You're weird." He says and for some reason, I laugh.

"I know."


After I put Harry to bed I sat on the living room couch and watched what was on the telly; The Office. This show had been off for so long I'm surprised they are playing reruns.

I could hear Ashton mumbling a goodbye to Michael before the door slammed shut and the blond haired boy walked into the living room, sitting rather close to me.

"So, Blondie, I saw you checking me out in the kitchen earlier." He says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't worry," he says, moving closer to my ear. "I was checking you out too."

He rose from the couch and went up to his room, leaving me flabbergasted.


So here's chapter one to my new lashton fic! I love you guys so much! You're all amazing and I hope you enjoy this story! x

June 2016 

holy shit this is so bad and so straight forward what the hell was i thinking???

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