"Nessie wants to hunt," I inform them, "Anyone who wants to join is welcome."

"I'll go." Jasper replied, "I could use a snack."

Nessie led the way as we chose a valley between two mountains. It was far away from Forks and the reservation, and animals were plentiful.

I hoped to find a grizzly.

First, though, I watched in amusement as Jasper and Nessie playfully competed for a large elk, chuckling when Jasper let her win.

She drank quickly, wanting to get back to our visitors from Alaska, and sighed contentedly when she was finished.

Jasper and I began to hunt in earnest, he was hoping for a mountain lion and had just come across the scent of a large one when disaster struck.

There was a gust of wind, and the smell of blood invaded my nostrils.

Human blood.

Every muscle tensed as they prepared to go after the mouthwatering scent, but I had done this before. I stopped, forcing myself to stop breathing while Nessie did the same.

She was only half-vampire, and she had just fed, so the urge was not as strong.

Jasper on the other hand was gone before I could blink.

I ran after him, using every ounce of strength I had left to catch up, Renesmee copying my actions.

I almost told her to go back. To get Carlisle or Edward or Emmet.

Now was not the time for her to be around Jasper, and as much as I loved him, I knew how dangerous he could be when he lost control.

But we caught sight of him before I could say anything, and my eyes widened as I saw the hiker.

He was young, 25 maybe, and alone.

And being viciously attacked by a mountain lion.

"Jasper!" I yelled, "Don't!"

He came to a halt at my voice, turning around abruptly, "The blood." He choked out.

"I know, but you can do this. You're stronger than you know." My voice was more of a plea than an encouragement.

His black eyes studied mine, and before I could stop him, he turned back toward the now unconscious human and pounced.

I let out an audible sigh of relief as he greedily drank the big cat's blood, draining it in seconds.

"Nessie!" I called, running to the side of the hiker, "Go with Jasper. Get Carlisle and tell him to bring something to stop the bleeding. He's too injured for me to move him."

"Should I get daddy?" She questioned.

"If Edward can help then he can come too."

She nodded, grabbing Jasper's hand and pulling gently.

He stared at me, the disappointment in himself clear, but I would deal with that later.

"Go." I said as gently as I could.

They disappeared into the forest.

My hand covered a very dangerous wound on the side of the hiker's neck, applying enough pressure to stop the bleeding temporarily.
My throat burned at the texture of the liquid.

Less than two minutes later, Carlisle arrived alone.

"Edward?" I asked.

"Jasper had some of the human's blood on his shirt. Edward is keeping Garret under control." He explained as his hands worked quickly.

I only nodded, my brow furrowing as more blood oozed from one of the deep gashed across his chest.

"Are you alright?" Carlisle questioned, concern in his voice.

"I'm in control." I assured him. It was true, while I was very tempted I was confident I could control myself.

"What's he even doing so far away from the town?" I voiced with false annoyance.

"Extreme hikers like to venture further into the wilderness. They like to explore. Bella had a similar experience when she was a newborn." Carlisle explained.

"His carotid artery is torn, Carlisle." I breathed, my air finally running out.

When I inhaled, it was like the heat of the sun was all shoved down my throat. I swallowed painfully, certain the full force of Kate's shocks would have been preferable to this.

"It isn't just torn, it's severed." He informed me, the sadness evident in his tone.

"I know." I whispered, "I couldn't change him. I don't think I could stop."

His hand came up to rest on my shoulder, and I knew I would not like what Carlisle had to say next.

"He's lost too much blood for the transition to take place. I imagine even if you had been here sooner there was nothing you could have done."

"But he has a family." I choked out, a lump in my throat.

"And they would want him to go quickly, as painlessly as possible." Carlisle said soothingly, "Let go, Sarah."

And I did.

The hand that kept the bleeding at bay stroked the young hiker's hair as we listened to his heart stop.

Opal and Brass • Jasper Whitlock HaleWhere stories live. Discover now