Ch 1 - New Hire

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I forgot who had requested this so please comment and let me know. I forgot to write your name in here. This will be a One Off but a long one at that.

Anyways Sona Sitri is having some Devil and council troubles so she needs some help. Who does she appoint and what happens next?




(FN) - First Name
(LN) - Last Name


Sona and Tsubaki were sitting at their desks on a Monday later afternoon. With open house around the corner it was hectic. With all of them surrounded by council work, devil duties, and naturally tasks such as eating, sleeping, and attending class everyone was overwhelmed.

"Lady Sona?" Asked Tsubaki.

"Yes?" Replied Sona.

"I believe it's clear that we need another set of hands."

"Agreed. Even on a regular basis it would be easier with a set of quality help. But the problem is how do we find it?"

"Plus diversity. Do you suppose Saji would know someone?"

"Saji I am unsure of. He's the only boy with class mostly. And I believe asking anyone from Gremory wouldn't be of much help."

The door opens as the two ladies look towards the entrance. It's Saji and another boy. He looks shy. Looks like he's intelligent from first glance too.

"Hello Lady Sona. I have a proposition for you." Smiled Saji.

"This isn't the time." She ordered.

"Please. If I may. This is (FN) (LN) from 2-B. Excelling student and keeps his nose clean. Hes maybe two percent of the boys here."

"Hello." He blushed and waved.

"Awwww you see this guy?" Saji wrapped his arm around his shoulders. "This guy just needs a task at hand. Isn't he adorable? I just want to pay his head."

"Saji their is more to it than that. You realize that?" Scolded Sona.

"Excuse me." Said the bot stepping closer. "If I may?"

Tsubaki examined the boy. His composure while in the moment of two girls starring him down wasn't too bad after all. "So what's the deal Saji? We have work to do."

"Please Miss. If I may. I just want to do what's right. Try it out. Thought it would be good me. I guess like an internship?"

Tsubaki looked at her Master. "He's got a point. Give it at least a week. We can at the very least give him some sort of recommendation at the end of it. We are grasping at straws."

"You both seem firm. So (FN) what is your first order of business now that classes are over?" This should be a test. I have much to do. He better not waste my time.

(FN) saw the work that laid everywhere. Different unsorted piles, file cabinets open everywhere, and who knew what else they had going on. "Any chance I can clean up that paperwork for you? Surely you have many more tasks. Maybe I can be of help."

Sona seemed surprised on her new intern having a great mindset similar to hers. "Alright I'll give it to you blunt. School pool is filthy, bathrooms need work for the guests, and all other preparations need to be made a weeks time and we need all hands on deck. What would you do?" She was trying to break him in fast. Either that or make him bend and break.

Sona's Intern (Sona X Male)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя