Never Have I Ever...

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You'll know by the end who she's with. This isn't an insert, just a first person ministory I wrote earlier. I decided to publish it on here.

I walked into the lounge to see everyone sitting at one of the tables, grinning at me. York patted the seat next to him, "Come play Never Have I Ever with us."

I shrugged, sitting down, "Is this that game where someone reads a card and if you've done it you take a drink of whatever the hell your drinking?"

North nodded, "And our drink is wine, by the way." He handed me a large glass, and I happily accepted it.

York started us off, drawing a card, "Never have I ever...kissed the same gender." Me and South snarled at each other, both taking a drink. Wash looked at us in confusion, "Ummm...."

Wyoming chuckled, "I remember that. That was a fun night, indeed, ol' chap. I dared South to kiss Cali, and they were drunk enough to do it." I growled, seeing a few laughs going around.

North drew the next card, "Never have I ever...broken a law." Everyone at the table took a drink. We all looked at each other, then shrugged it off.

I drew a card next, "Never have I ever...killed someone." I chuckled a bit, and we all chugged some of our wine. When you're in Project Freelancer, you kill a lot of people, that's for sure.

South was next, "Never have I ever... slept with a coworker." I saw York take a sip of his, and I reluctantly did the same. North and CT also did. (No I didn't sleep with York, North and CT didn't sleep together, and York and CT didn't sleep together) South grinned at me and York, "Heh, can I guess who the coworker was?"

I growled at her, "We didn't have sex with each other. York is--" I saw Carolina's uneasy expression and pointed to Wash quickly, who then drew a card.

"Never have I ever... cheated on someone." York tilted his head, thinking it over. He shrugged, taking a drink. Carolina rolled her eyes. South took a drink of her wine, along with CT, Maine, and Wyoming. My eyes widened in shock, but I shook it off quickly.

CT drew the next card, "Never have I ever... told a major lie to my best friend, or boyfriend/girlfriend." I laughed nervously and took a drink. I saw others do the same, but Wash stared at me, "I'm not the friend you lied to right?"

I shook my head quickly, "No, of course not!" North made a buzzer sound, "No lying!" I growled at him, and Wash looked down in confusion, "What did you lie about?"

I shrugged, "Nothing important. I honestly don't remember the lie." He nodded, then grinned a bit. He took a drink of his wine. I glared at him, but moved on.

Wyoming drew a card, "Never have I ever... been kicked out of a bar." Everyone took a drink again. Not super surprising, honestly.

Maine grunted, drawing a card, "Said 'I love you' without meaning it." I hesitated, thinking through the few times I've said the three simple words. I finally grabbed my drink, taking a sip.

A few others did the same, but York turned to me, "Why'd you lie to them?" I shrugged, "At the time I didn't mean it, but a bit later on I would've died to be able to tell him I love him." He nodded slowly, turning back to the table.

Carolina drew next, "Never have I ever... turned down a kiss." I smirked, "You mean, they ask you for a kiss and you say no, or they're in the midst of leaning in to kiss you, and you reject them?" She shrugged, "Either I guess."

I smiled and sighed, finishing off my wine. I poured another glass, taking another sip of it. CT smirked, "Holy hell, woman."

I shrugged, "One guy, always wanting to make out. I even grabbed his tongue as he leaned in once and smacked him for it. Shouldn't of had his mouth open." Wash rubbed his cheek, making me laugh.

York grinned, drawing, "Never have I ever... done something so regrettable that I still haven't gotten over it to this day." We almost all took a drink except for CT and Wyoming. I rolled my eyes, North reaching out to grab the next card, "Never have I ever... went off without any reasoning."

Me, South, Carolina, and York all took a few drinks. I shook my head, "Damn, I've done pretty much everything. That's...not good." North smirked, "Yeah, I guess not."

I gave him a small smile, but it vanished as I read the next card, "Never have I ever... had sex with someone I hated beforehand." I gulped, taking a drink. North looked down, doing the same.

South smirked, "Didn't you guys hate each other a while ago? And then one day all of a sudden you were super close?" Me and North glanced at each other, shrugging. North shook his head, "I never...I didn't hate her, I don't remember saying that."

I nodded quickly, "Yeah, we just didn't talk...then we did and we were friends. That's all..." York rolled his eyes, a grin plastered on his face, "Yeah, that's why the night before you two became best friends I heard some pretty interesting noises and words coming from Norths room."

My face was bright red, and I stood up quickly, laughing nervously, "Yeah, okay, it's about time I got some rest. Goodnight, guys..." North stood up, rubbing the back of his neck, "I should go too...I don't like where this conversation is going..."

Everyone giggled and watched us as we left. We got far enough down the hallway that we were out of earshot, and I turned to North sharply, "You said York wasn't in his room then." He laughed nervously, "He wasn't..."

I shook my head, "Then how does he--" I stopped and cut myself off, "You didn't! Why did you tell him?!"

He shrugged, "I-it just slipped." I sighed, but grinned a bit, "If it happened again, you promise you won't tell anyone?"

His eyes locked with mine, and a devilish grin played on his lips, "Are you saying that it will?" I shrugged, wrapping my arms around his neck as he slowly backed me against the wall, snaking his arms around my waist. He kissed me hungrily, obviously wanting more.

I smiled, pulling away and starting to skip down the hall. I turned around, "I don't know, we'll see." I left him standing there, glaring and grinning as he watched me. He soon followed, and we definitely didn't tell anyone the events of what happened after. I think you could figure it out pretty easily, now couldn't ya?

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