Church x Reader

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"SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs, making everyone around you go quiet.

You've been stuck in Blood Gulch with these idiots for only a few weeks, and are already tired of it. All they do is argue and argue and argue.

Caboose stood in the corner, frightened because of your outburst. He's silently whispering, "Y/N talks! And she screamed and now I'm scared... very scared..." Church and Tucker stood in the middle of the room, stunned that you had actually spoke up. You rarely spoke around any of them, especially when they were all together.

"If you guys don't shut up for at least 5 minutes, I'm going to rip your heads off."

Tucker turns and glares at Church. "Maybe if he hadn't went snooping in my stuff we wouldn't be arguing in the first place!"

Church glared back. "Maybe if you hadn't stole my sniper rifle, I wouldn't have had to go through your stuff!"

"SHUT UP! OH MY GOD JUST SHUT UP!!" You scream and storm out.

You run up to the cliff and sit down. You sit there, holding your face in your hands. You can't take this, You need to get out of this canyon, you need some peace and quiet--

"Hey..." Church walks up, bringing you out of your thoughts. His helmets in his hands, and this is the first time you've ever seen his face. He's got shorter black hair, bright green eyes, and a little bit of stubble on his face. He was quite handsome actually.

He stared at you with sympathy in his eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. I understand that you're probably tired of hearing us argue all the time. It's just..." He sat down next to you, not breaking eye contact, "It's hard to get along with them, ya know? They aren't the most normal people, or the smartest. It's hard to deal with them and it's hard for them to deal with me. So we argue. I'm really sorry. I'm going to try to get along with them, okay? For you."

His attention is on the ground, but you're focused on him, confused by his words. "For me?"

He chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, "Uhhhh yeah...I mean I want you to stay here and everything. I don't want to be the reason you take off. I don't want to lose you because of my actions."

You couldn't believe what he said. He doesn't want to lose you? W-what does that mean? Does he like you? You're so confused. You've liked him since you met him, since he was the most normal one on the team and could actually be quite funny. But you kept to yourself so he wouldn't realize. You stared up at him and finally built up the courage to do something you've wanted to do for the past few days, "Church?"

"Yeah?" He said, facing you. You pulled him in and kissed him hard. It took him a second to realize what just happened. Finally, he smiled against your lips and kissed you back.

"I love you, Church."

"I love you too, Y/N."

Edit: This is... gosh I hate my old writing. This has been edited for slightly better word choice in certain spots (I left most the same, unfortunately) and to be properly split into paragraphs. I might decide to do similar quick edits to other ones in this collection, but for now, still no new content.

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