Wash x Reader (2)

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Wash's POV

I don't know what to think. We just crashed on some planet in the middle of nowhere. Everyone somehow survived. I'm looking down at a woman around my age, maybe younger, laying on top of the wreckage of our ship. Not hurt, just laying there, dozing off. She didn't even look for survivors. She didn't try to figure out what happened. How long have we been here? How long has she been here? Who the hell is this woman?


You look up to see a man standing over you. He's wearing cobalt and yellow armor. You jolt up and back away from the man. You grab your pistol and aim it at him. "Who the hell are you?" He sighs and shakes his head, "I'm Washington. Call me Wash. Who the hell are you?" He seems annoyed. You sigh and put your gun back in its holster, holding your hand out to him. "I'm Y/N. I'm a mercenary. I was on my way to my next mission and crashed here. Guessing something similar happened to you?" He sighed again, shaking your hand, and turns to look at something, "Yeah I guess. We were going home and somehow our ship got tore in half. Me and my friends landed here. Somehow none of us died." You look out to see 2 groups of soldiers. One group is wearing different "shades" of red (if orange and maroon count as shades of red), and the other wearing different shades of blue. There's 3 men on the red side and 2 on the blue. "I'm guessing your with the blue guys. So you're simulation troops?" I can hear him smirk under his helmet, "I help out the blues and I like them better, but I'm not a part of the simulation troopers. I was a part of the Freelancers. After the Project fell I met these guys and we took it down completely, and I did sometime in prison, betrayed them, got stabbed in the back, then went after the Director with them. It's been rough, but we made it through." You look at him and simply say, "holy shit you guys are crazy." He laughs and starts to walk away, motioning you to follow. "C'mon, come meet the team."

A Month Or So Later

These guys are veryyyy interesting, I must admit. Tucker's super flirtatious and perverted, always pissing me off when he says "bow chicka bow wow". Caboose is annoying sometimes, but he's entertaining and can brighten my day just with a simple smile. After Church disappeared, he hasn't smiled as much though. I never met him or Carolina, just heard about them, since they left before meeting me. Sarge is rude and annoying, always threatening to kill the blues and Grif. Simmons gets on my nerves from how big of a kissass he is and him being a know-it-all sometimes. Grif won't get off his butt to do anything and so I have to listen to Sarge and Simmons yell at him about it, which makes things even worse. Donut and Doc showed up. Donut isn't that annoying but he's umm...well he's just Donut. Doc is pretty cool but I don't get to talk to him much since Donuts always dragging him around with him. Then there's Wash...Wash and I have become super close. Tucker calls us "love birds" all the time since he'll catch us standing there staring into each other's eyes not really saying anything, just stuttering every once in a while. Wash walks in, pulling me out of my thoughts, "Hey, Y/N. Could we talk?" He asks, sitting down next to me on my bed. "Sure, what do you need?" I ask curiously. It's later at night, so neither of us are in your armor. He opens his mouth to say something but just shuts it again. He looks down at me while I look up at him. He whispers, "I get this weird feeling when I'm around you and I have to know what it is..." I'm surprised by what he said, but then you smile and lean in towards him. He smiles back and leans in too. Soon your lips are latched into a sweet, passionate kiss. I have a warm feeling in my heart the whole time I kiss him. He pulls away, chuckling, "Guess it really was love..." He kisses me again before we both pull away and he goes to leave.
"Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams."

Yeah, definitely going to have sweet dreams tonight.

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