Entry 14: September 19, 2006

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September 19, 2006 SUNNY W/ CLOUDS

Today Jon (he told me to call him that) came and let me out from my captivity. Julie and Tommy were with him when he arrived.

Right now, the strongest impression that remains is how hoping livid mad Jon was at Tommy. I almost laughed at how embarrassed Tommy looked.

Jon did not ask me to forgive Tommy, but he did say that he really appreciated me as a person and as an employee. He told me that if I could disregard his son's stupid behavior, I was welcome to return as his secretary.

I very much like Jon so I told him I would be in to work the next morning.

Julie, who was also very sorry about what had occurred, quickly helped me gather my things and offered to drive me back to my apartment.

I smiled at her kind offer and allowed her to drive me home. Jon stayed behind and as I walked to Julie's car I could hear Jon yelling at Tommy, clearly still angrily reprimanding him.

My heart felt so very warm.

I know now what true kindness is (even if it arrived in such a strange way).

I am so glad that Julie is nothing like Laura was....

I wonder if Julie would like to be my friend.

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