44|Devil's Return

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"She's not technically my ex," Anthony shrugged. "We dated for all of a week, maybe? But yes, she is a model."

"Kayla used to talk about it all the time," Jessie said. "What's more shocking is that you never heard it."

"I don't listen when irrelevant people speak," Adriana shrugged as everyone laughed. "No, but I'm honestly slightly impressed."

"Have we seen her in anything," Kylie asked.

"I wouldn't know," Anthony laughed.

"That's code for 'I never listened when she talked either,'" Kris joked.

"I really didn't," Anthony agreed with a sheepish smile.

"You better not be doing my girl like that," Adriana teased as she gestured to Natalia.

"Never," Anthony replied as Natalia smiled up at him through her lashes. "Besides, we have actual conversations that aren't one sided."

"Okay, how did we even get on the topic of exes," Kylie asked with a laugh. (a/n legit me as I wrote this 😂)

"I think Adriana was talking about her boyfriend from freshman year. What was his name again," Kris asked.

"Adam, and he was my actual soulmate," Adriana said with a sigh.

"But he moved away to get away from her," Kylie teased.

"We'll meet again one day," Adriana firmly said. "I'm convinced that it's meant to be and as the saying goes, if it's meant to be, it'll happen."

"Great philosophy, A," Natalia giggled as Adriana shrugged and said, "It's true."

"So, I know this is meant to be a hangout thing, and I was going to send out a formal notice, but we've chosen a date," Jessie said as she grinned brightly.

"Oh my gosh! When is it," Kylee squealed.

"Forget the formalities," Adriana waved off. "Just tell us."

Kris laughed at his fiancé's antics. She always had a flare for dramatics and suspense was no different.

"It's during the All Star Break," Kris said as Jessie pouted at him. "You ruined the element of surprise," she whined. "And you took too long," he shrugged.

"A summer wedding," Kylie cheered. "Perfect for Vegas."

"All Star Break? But that's in July," Natalia said. "We're already in February."

"Yeah, so basically, we have to get moving," Jessie said as Natalia's eyes widened.

"You realize you just dumped a whole bunch of pressure on us," Natalia said as she gestured between herself and Anthony. "The parties, the arrangements-"

"-will all be done in time," Kris reassured. "We hired a planner per my mom's suggestion. It seems like the most sensible since baseball is coming back."

"Spring Training is starting already," Adriana noted as her eyes widened. "It feels like you guys just won the World Series."

"And it's time to win another," Anthony said as he and Kris did a handshake.

"Well, I don't want a planner to plan your bridal shower," Natalia said with her arms crossed.

"Or your bachelorette party," Adriana agreed as she raised a brow at Jessie.

"It won't be. The planner is strictly for the wedding. She'll only step in if you need her," Jessie reassured.

"Good," Adriana smiled. "Glad that's out of the way."

"I'm so excited for this," Kylie cheered. "Our best friends are getting married!"

"I'm happy you're so excited," Jessie giggled.

"It's going to be the wedding of the century," Adriana smiled.
The gang was lounging around the living room when the doorbell rang.

"Is that the food," Jessie asked.

"Please be the food," Adriana groaned. "I'm starved."

"It probably is," Natalia giggled. "I'll go get it."

She quickly got up from her spot beside Anthony and grabbed her phone. Walking into her kitchen, she grabbed some money from her cash container and walked to the door.

"Hi," she said as she opened the door without looking up. "It's $53, right? Here's $60. Keep the-"

She cut herself off as she finally looked up at the person standing on the other side of her door.

"I'll take the money, but I don't have your food," none other than Savanna Parker said.

"What are you doing here," Natalia asked with a roll of her eyes.

"That's no way to treat your guest," Savanna scolded.

"You're not my guest," Natalia said. "What are you really doing here?"

"I'm here to wish Kris and Jessie a happy wedding," Savanna innocently shrugged with a smile. "Well? Are you going to let me in?"

"How about no," Natalia asked with a smile just as bright before attempting to close the door.

Savanna quickly pushed against the door causing it to slam back with a loud bang.

"Natalia," came a yell from inside the apartment. In seconds, the whole gang stood behind Natalia in confusion.

"Is everything okay," Anthony asked his girlfriend to which she simply nodded.

"Who's behind the door," Kris asked.

"Me," Savanna smirked as she poked her head out from behind the half open door.

She strutted into the apartment and stood proudly in front of the group. Upon noticing Anthony, she smiled and offered him her hand. "Savanna Parker. It's so nice to meet you."

Savanna definitely didn't miss the glare Natalia sent her way as she shook Anthony's hand

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Savanna definitely didn't miss the glare Natalia sent her way as she shook Anthony's hand.

I don't think we've officially met Savanna so here you go! She'll definitely be more important in the next few chapters. Not much Anthony/Natalia action, but there will be some in the next few chapters too 🙌🏼

Also, do we trust Tyler or not? Hint: you kind of shouldn't ( in case you didn't catch what I wrote earlier in the chapter )

Until next time,

The BridesmaidTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang