Chapter Seven - Invitation

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The Host Club was in full swing, embracing the warm weather with outdoor events happening. The Agency Kanna worked with were currently focusing on storyboarding and in the early stages brainstorming a future project, so she had a bit of spare time to focus on her own work. Though she missed working with the agency, Kanna was more than appreciative of the extra sleep she was able to get.

It was late in the hot season, just after the year had started and they were already in the elegant school gardens, admiring the well watered plants and peaceful twittering of the birds and the smell of seasonal herbal tea mixing with the scent of flowers in the air. It was honestly one of the days that everyone seemed to be able to just let themselves relax, the tension in every muscle just fading away, floating off with the gentle breeze.

"Okay tilt your head a little towards me!"

"Like this?"


Mitsukuni looked over at Kanna, who was taking photos of Hikaru sat on a traditional looking stone bench, wearing his uniform all steam pressed and crisp without a flaw to boot. Kaoru was standing next to the girl capturing the photos, holding a large, round reflector to help balance the shadows that the angle of the sun caused. His flawless skin seemed to glow, his jawline looking sharp and his angled eyes piercing into the soul of whoever looked at the photo. It was heart-stopping- at least for their customers. Kanna had worked with loads of overwhelmingly attractive models, so the Host Club was nothing new for her.

The two twins looked over her shoulders, observing as she flicked through the photos she took. "These are amazing!" Hikaru exclaimed, wrapping his arm around her waist. Unmoved by the gesture she continued to scroll, narrowing her eyes at a picture of both the twins, embracing each other with a lens flare coming from the sun which peeked over a building behind them. She could see Suoh acting like an imbecile in the background, not easily but she still noticed him.

Kyoya meandered up to the trio, lightly pulling away Hikaru from the girl lightly to ease the glare that was burning into their backs. "Miss Akiyama, since you've been doing such a spectacular job working with the club, would you like to come on a trip to the beach with us? We would be staying in Okinawa at my family private estate. We have visited there once before a few weeks ago, however," He paused, glancing at the rest of the club, the repeated blue and black uniforms causing his eyebrow to twitch slightly. "We could use variety, it keeps interest peaked with our guests." Kyoya snapped his black book shut, looking up through his specs with calculating eyes at the girl, who placed her thumb to her mouth in thought- a habit she had since she was only a small child.

"Well," She began, flipping through the pages of the planner in her mind, "I do have a bit of a break from work at the moment so I'd love to!" She beamed. "Also, have you seen Hiromi? She should be here by now since archery ended-"

Kyoya raised a hand to end the girls rambling, "Miss Fujino contacted me earlier, she mentioned something about her mother and she would see you tomorrow, your phone received a couple messaged before as well so my guess would be it was her."

Kanna's eyes widened, her whole body tensing up. "I- I apologise I must-" She stuttered, shakily picking up her belongings. "I have to get going." She managed to collect her things before bolting out of the school, getting into the already waiting limo and commanding the driver to 'step on it'."

The club looked out the front gate where she had disappeared through, questioning her haste. She seemed to almost panic and was frantic to leave.

If only they knew why.

Behind The Lens - Takashi MorinozukaWhere stories live. Discover now