Chapter 10 - Promise

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"Ah! That breakfast was so good!"

Kanna's arms were stretched above her head, a huge grin spread across her lips. She sat next to a boy with hair dark as night, who was adjusting his spectacles which were perched on his straight nose. An eccentric blonde teenager sat across from the two, his limbs sprawled across the velvet, plush sofa which had expensive gold accents across the edges of its framework.

"Miss Akiyama, are you still referring to the food you had on the morning of our last day away by the ocean?"

The Ooroti boy questioned, looking up from his own computer to glance at the girl, her navy hair framing her slim face while she set down her own laptop which she worked rigorously on, editing footage of the twins splashing about in the sea. She looked up at the boy, peeking over the top of her black rimmed glasses- she lost her contacts the night before and had no choice, though she didn't mind. Her eyes glistened mischievously as her head began to nod.

It was late afternoon, the club had finished activities for the day and the members were simply meandering around, ensuring everything was cleaned up for the next day where they would do it all again. The windows on the west wall were glowing in the angelic light of dusk, shining over the horizon of houses and fields. Most of the students were already in their limousines and heading home for a nights rest or even a party as Hiromi mentioned to the club before. On a warm Friday night it wasn't uncommon for a family of high standing to hold a small social gathering- or if said family was away the teens would take the opportunity to give the maids a night off and turn up the music. Despite all students of Ouran having some sort of high status or high intelligence they were still teenagers after all.

"Suoh, I don't suppose you could get some water, I've been at this for hours and need a break," She turned to look at her underclassman who sat next to her, "would you like anything, Ootori?"

The blonde jumped up, saluting the girl with a beaming smile, "Yes Kanna! I'll be right back!" He hollered, turning and heading to the small kitchen in the club room.

Most of the people in the room looked oddly surprised at the familiarity of her first name from the younger boy, save for Kanna and Hiromi. They both decided to not let formalities bother them much, since they returned from the trip they both had a typical two in the morning deep and meaningful talk like most friends do.

"Damn Miss Akiyama, we didn't think you were that close with the boss!"

Two voiced chimed from behind where she sat, placing a hand on each of her shoulders in a sync only twins can have. Kanna didn't bother looking over her shoulders, simply shrugging the boys away and standing herself to walk over to the window where Mitsukuni sat, playing with his plush rabbit. The girl gently placed a loving hand on his head, making him look up at her with shining eyes and pink cheeks.

"Mitsukuni was the first to call me by my first name in years, people at my old home were too scared to insult or disrespect me or my family name- that was back when my father was around. He was a powerful man." Her breathing shook for but a moment, before she continued, turning to face the rest of the club, "I prefer my first name, everyone speaks so formal here since they were brought up with what people consider manners."

The host club was so silent that if one was to drop a sewing needle you would be able to hear it clink against the tiles. Taking a few steps forward towards the rest of the club, teary eyed, Kanna suddenly bowed, everyone' eyes widening in both confusion and shock.

"Please call me my first name from now on!"

The afternoon carried on without another notable event, the club slowly filing out of the room. Twilight painted the sky with the warm colours of summer as everyone got into their cars and drove away to rest for the night. Takashi and Kanna walked a little behind with the short blonde between them, tightly clasping onto each of their hands and swinging as he jumped like a child would- purely innocent. The elongated stairs of the entrance stretched down to a refined path, lined with rose bushes and to the road where two cars awaited, all the others already well on their way.

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