Chapter Two- Morning Think Overs

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Beep! Beep! Beep! The sound of my alarm clock telling me to get up always starts me in a grumble. Just like every other teenager I hate getting up in the morning. It was Monday, the very start of every dreadful week, but I never thought that this week would be like no other. A loud grumble came out as I pushed my blankets off me. The sun could be seen trying to come through my closed curtains. My mirror reflected my stressed face. Last night I had a dream about something bad again and I have a feeling it is all going to happen again. Something to do with my boyfriend Jacob and after whatever he has done it all becomes dark. I guess not the best way to start already stressful week of exams. This week is the final week for exams and Friday is my end of year prom. All my life I have been waiting for the moment when Jacob is going to ask me to prom, but he still hasn't mentioned it. If you have forgotten, Jacob is my long-time boyfriend and we have been dating for a while now, but to tell the true it wasn't always him. For a brief time, I dated a guy named Albert Brownbear and don't get me wrong, he was a lovely guy, but it was hard for me to date someone who I couldn't explain who I really am. Anyway, I thought I needed to part ways with him, but not just breaking his heart wasn't the worst thing that happened. What happened really changed things. I remember him storming off somewhere and muttering to himself, 'he is going to pay for what he has done to me'. That was the last time I ever saw him and the day everything changed between me and Jacob. That's in the past now and right now I have bigger problems, I slept in again! 'Come on Renesmee, this is the second time in a row!' I thought to myself. Guess I have to skip the morning lesson with grandma Esme and have breakfast on the run.

Getting ready was done in a blur like every day, but these things never change much you're your half-vampire and human. My hair was left in a neat high ponytail ready for my dash to school. My make-up was done without a mistakes and my jewelry still tied round my neck. Today seemed to be like a rare sunny days in Forks, so I pulled on my ripped jean shorts, my favourite white crop top that Jacob likes and my pure white sneakers.

I yawned loudly as I opened the curtains to my room watching a bird fly high into the sky. Sighing at the thought of a having to leave this peaceful space, I turned back around to go unlock the main door to my room. Only Jacob and I have the keys because I trust him not to go snooping round in my room. That night I had slept in the main house, so I slid down the staircase to the main floor. Mum was in the kitchen cooking pancakes like she does every morning and dad was hidden away lying on the couch.

"Good morning sleepster, here is your pancakes on the run, again. Make sure you say hi to Jacob for me and ask how his dad is getting on, will you?" Mum said handing me the pancakes.

"Sure, will do Mum." I said, eating them as I went to the couch to get a better look at what dad was up to. "Is everyone coming to the meeting, Dad?" I asked eyeing him scrolling through his phone messages.

"It seems to be that everyone is coming. It doesn't look like anyone has said they aren't coming yet." Dad said looking up at me. I walked around the couch and planted my hand on his face just because I hadn't practiced my power in a while. I wanted to find out why we were having a meeting and why I couldn't participate this time.

"I already told you this time we only need the others and the wolf pack. I know that you're not happy about that sweetheart, but you must sit this one out, ok?" Dad said pulling my hand away from his face. I showed him a face on how I was disappointed on missing out another meeting, but all he did was say nothing back. Not helping, Dad. Really, you're not. Then I remembered that I was already late for school. Well that didn't take any stress away from me. Hopefully I can get some answers from Jake, maybe he can be more help?

"It's ok dad, talk to you later, bye!" I said, zooming out the door. Since I'm not a full vampire I can't run at full speed, but I can still run faster than a normal human. That basically explains why I never do P.E. One of the best things about not having to do P.E is that you can watch Jacob from the library window. I do love watching him run and muck around with his friends.

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