Chapter 12

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(Sheesh I made so many of you fangirl at the end of the last chapter.)

   Todd chuckled softly to himself as he saw the sheriff walk into the bar. He was humming a song under his breath, his hands in his overcoat pockets. The bartender leaned against the table as the short sheriff approached him.
    "Howdy there." Todd said with a chuckle. Thompson smiled.
   "Hey." He sat down in his chair and Todd turned to get his drink.
    "Thomas," Todd turned to him, making the sheriff look at him, confused. He only used his first name when something was serious, it seemed. "I was wonderin' something."
   "And? What is that?" Todd chuckled to himself as he turned to Thompson. He already guessed that the sheriff would say yes to his question, ever since the night before.
    "So, I was askin' if you wanted to go out sometime." He shrugged. Thompson seemed a bit taken aback, his cheeks turning pink.
   "Uh... yeah, sure." He chuckled softly. Todd grinned at him and nodded.
   "Great! How about tomorrow night?" Thompson seemed to hesitate but nodded, probably thinking that Tord would be disappointed in not seeing the sheriff. Oh, he had no idea.

   The next night, Todd was waiting outside of the bar for Thompson, after he had closed it. He was looking up at the moon, letting his eyes stay a deep red before he heard footsteps, switched them back to silver, and jumped up. He saw the sheriff, dressed in his normal attire but his hat off. Todd chuckled at the way his hair spiked up, almost naturally, and walked up to him.
"I was startin' to think you wouldn't show up." Todd said jokingly. Thompson smiled softly.
"Nah, I would rather die than miss this." Todd blushed a bit at his words, grabbed his hand, and started walking through the town, Thompson skipping behind him.

"Strange." Thompson suddenly said while Todd walked with him up to his office. He looked back, confused.
"What is?"
"We were walking all around town and I didn't see that bandit." Thompson hummed, then shrugged. "Oh, wel. I don't care. At least I got to be around you." He chuckled. Todd blushed again and kissed the top of his head. Thompson' down cheeks burned bright red.

"Ya know, maybe this should be a normal thing." Thompson brought up as Todd was about to leave.
"Like, be lovers?"
"Yeah." Thompson nodded and leaned back in his chair. Todd smiled and nodded.
"I'd like that. A lot." He said happily, then yawned. Thompson nodded.
"You should go, then. I'll see ya tomorrow." He waved at Todd, making the bartender wave back and walk out of the sheriff's office.

He had a single thought as he left.

Well, if Thompson loved him for who he was, maybe he should tell him who he truely was. Maybe he wouldn't mind.

Oh boy was he wrong.

(I suck at date chapters heh)

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