Chapter 5

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(Sorry that this took forever to get out! Seriously, I've just been stressed because of school and one shots and trying to make this chapter good.)

That night, something sparked for Thompson. No, it wasn't any sort of good feeling. It was hatred. Pure hatred. He didn't know why he suddenly hated the bandit, he just knew he was even more determined to catch and kill him.

   This was mostly shown the next afternoon. When Thompson stopped by the bar, like normal, but groaning loudly like he hated life. He had literally fallen into his seat, his cheeks puffed out. Todd had turned to him, forcing back a snicker at the look on the sheriff's face.
   "What's wrong this time?" He asked, trying to sound genially curious. Truth me told, he knew exactly what was wrong.
   "Ya know..." Thompson started, sitting up normally as Todd began pouring him a glass full of whiskey. "... last night, I ran into that bandit."
  "Which one?"
   "The one I've been after. I'm callin' him 'Red' from now on." Thompson shrugged a bit and picked up his drink, chugging it. Todd nodded a bit and leaned against the countertop in front of Thompson.
"Yeah, alright. What happened?"
"Well... I ran into him while he was trying to rob a store around the corner... and he acted like it was nothin'! He was actin' like he wasn't a bandit on the run! He wasn't scared of me worth nothin'!" Thompson explained, visibly turning more angry. "And then he just ran off!"

"Did ya get a good look at him?" Todd asked after he saw his friend was slowly calming down. Thompson slammed his fist on the table, making his glass shake.
"Nah. It was too dark. I saw his outline, though. And his eyes seemed to glow in the dark... they were bright red. I've never seen a person with an eye color that bright." Thompson mumbled. Todd nodded again, wanting to stay quiet. But, he was smirking behind that fake mustache of his. When the sheriff looked down, he allowed his silver eyes to flash to red before switching back.

Thompson, you have no idea.

(I'm gonna try to update more I promise)

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