Chapter 4

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(Before I start this chapter, imma say two things. I know there is a lot of timeskips in this, but it's to move the story along more easily.

For two, I'm putting this in all my other fanfics. School starts tomorrow for me and that means less updates, and less random bursts of updates. Each day, I'll update one book; that can be a single chapter in an actual fanfic or a single one shot. This is my favorite book that I'm updating right now, actually, so expect maybe two upsets per week? Maybe three? It depends on how many requests I get on one shots. Anyways, I'll just shut up now and actually write.)

A month and a half. That was how long Todd had been in town and the Red Bandit hadn't attacked. It should have made Thompson happy to not deal with the bandit, but it also annoyed him. Why? He still wanted to be the sheriff to finally catch and kill the bandit, making him just a legend.
Around the small town, a few rumors seem to spread around the Red Bandit. Since he had never gone silent for this long, everyone actually started to think one of two things. That he was either dead or he settled down with someone. While most people said the first one was probably more likely to be true, a few people talked about the second one could be plausible, too. He was known for looking pretty handsome, even if he was a cold blooded killer. Thompson decided to not pay attention to any of the rumors, believing the bandit was still out there and just waiting for his next chance to attack. And he was completely correct with that thought.

One week, Todd seemed to suddenly get sick. Really, he was just forcing himself to cough and sound like his voice was a bit scratchy, but it was enough to fool Thompson. He told the bartender to take a few days off, to which he seemed to easily agree. The sheriff didn't pay it any attention and spent most of the day patrolling the town. When night hit, the sheriff was making his rounds again. Pistol in hand and kind of tired, he didn't expect anything to happen that night. But, he patrolled anyways.
It's a good thing he was, for the town's sake. In a matter of hours, when the crescent moon was high above Thompson's head, there were gunshots ringing out into the night. The sheriff instantly snapped into an awake state and ran across the small town towards the loud bangs.

   Once Thompson got close to the bangs and sounds of gunshots, he growled under his breath, kind of shocked to see who it was. Even if it was dark, the bright moonlight above helped him see the culprit. He was at a small shop in the town, sounds of gunshots still around as the lone bandit shot his pistol in the air to cause a ruckus and to scare his victim.
    In the moonlight, there stood the infamous Red Bandit that Thompson had been after.
   He seemed to notice the sheriff quickly, ending his head to him and grinned widely, almost insanely. He chuckled and put his gun down hopping over to Thompson with an almost happy look on his face.
    "Why, hello there." He spoke, doing a small bow before grinning back at Thompson, who rowed and raised his gun. The bandit didn't put his hands up in sureender, or even act scared. "That's not a way to greet someone."
The bandit huffed and crossed his arms. Thompson took note that his voice was slightly deep.
    "Cut the bullshit." The sheriff growled. "You're under arrest for multiple charges of murder and robberies." He stayed coldly, looking the bandit right in the eyes, which were an unnatural shade of blood red.
   "I think you have the wrong person." He grinned. Thompson had enough of this and tried to shoot him, but the bandit just ducked down to the ground and jumped back up again. "You're rude."
    "You've killed people!" Thompson snapped back. The bandit hummed.
   "Yeah, I guess you're right." He said with a shrug. "I was starting to wonder why I was on all these wanted posters." He teased. Thompson growled again. "Calm down there before you pop a blood vessel." He added with a wide grin. The sheriff raised his gun again, but the bandit just moved out if the way.

   "Man, you're slow." He laughed. "I should get going. See ya around, Thompson~" he purred and instantly ran over to the side of a building. Thompson tried to run after him, trying to aim a hit on the Red Bandit, but he disappeared into the night. This left two questions on the sheriff's mind. How the hell did he know his name and how could he disappear like that?

(I actually like writing Tord in this style. He's just so cocky and playfully.)

A Stolen Heart (TomTord)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora