Chapter 11

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(Oh boi I only have a few more chapters planned.

Get ready for the best mix of feels, fluff, and everything for these next chapters.

Also, I forgot to say, by the epilogue is going to be so long.


    Thompson smiled a bit once the sun had gone down and the moon had come up. It was a full moon, so almost everything was lit up in pale white light. The sheriff had to admit that he liked this. He had left his office again, seeing the bandit he had grown to be friends with sitting in the center of town. He was looking right back up at the sky, a smile on his face. Thompson walked over to him and sat next to him, making him look over.
"Howdy, Thompson." He chuckled a bit. "I was startin' to wonder where you were."
"Sorry." He shrugged. Red nodded a bit and looked back at the sky.

"Red, when you said a night ago that 'you feel protected by fate', what did you mean by that?"
"Well, I meant exactly what it sounds like. Paul and Pat are strong believers in everything fate related. Everyone's fate is decided when they're born. They can't change it, it'll always end up that way. You're meant to die a certain way, face different heartbreaks, everything." Red explained. Thompson nodded a bit. "Hell, in my family, we even believe you're meant to be with someone."
"You mean, like, a soulmate?"
"Yeah. Kind of. Like invisible strings tying you to someone. Someone that you're meant to love. Paul and Pat say that because they feel that way around eachother."
"That's kind of... cute. Actually." Thompsoned chuckled. Red nodded.
"Yeah. I know most people say two guys can't be together, but Paul and Pat are adorable. So that's why I don't care if my soulmate is a girl or a guy. I don't care about that stuff." Tord shrugged. Thompson nodded this time.
"Got cha. Do you think you've ever found your soulmate?"

Red froze for a moment, thinking.
".... not exactly. That's part of the reason I travel. Not just to run from the law, but to find my soulmate. I've met a few people... but none of them made me feel something strong."
"Alright.... hey, can I ask you one more thing?"
"Yeah? What is it?" Red looked at him.
"Ya know, I'm to going after you anymore. I want to know your name. No one knows it and I've just been callin' you 'Red' ever since I met ya."
The bandit gulped a bit, but he slowly smiled. He decided that Thompson was ok.
"Alright. It's Tord Adder. Last name like the snake."

A moment of silence passed them before Thompson nodded.
"Nice name. Do you know my first one?"
"Of course I do." Tord chuckled. Thompson nodded a bit, believing him.

"... Time for me to ask you a question." Tord suddenly piped up. "Have you felt like you met your soulmate?"
"Well, how does it feel?"
"From what I've heard from my dads, you're supposed to feel a fluttery feeling in your heart. Your stomach is supposed to knot, you get nervous, but comfortable around them."
"... then yeah, I have."
"Who is it, then?" Tord was actually surprised by this. Thompson smiled.
"Ya know, the guy has a name similar to yours. His name's Todd. He's the bartender in this town. Always been nice to me and he's always been there for me. I feel like he's my soulmate." Thompson explained. Tord couldn't help but smile as he forced down a blush. He nodded a bit and stood up, looking at the horizon line.

"Welp, the sun's comin' up. Guess I should go..." he trailed off for a moment, thinking, before chuckling. "I think I lied."
"I lied, I think. About not knowing who my soulmate is. I feel like I know who they are."
"Really? Who are they?" Thompson stood up, confused. Tord smiled softly. He didn't outright answer his question, but at least he knew that Thompson didn't speak Spanish.
"... te amo, Thomas."

With that, the bandit ran off in a random direction, his cheeks burning.

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