Introduction To Red Strings Of Fate and Hanahaki Disease

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The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of or a destined flame.

Only a certain percentage of a population can manipulate the string, meaning they can cut it, untie it, switch it and so on, but they will never be able to see their own red string.

Only a certain percentage of a population can manipulate the string, meaning they can cut it, untie it, switch it and so on, but they will never be able to see their own red string

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A fictional (emphasis on fictional) disease, often used in fanfictions, where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from . The illness can only be cured through surgical removal, however any existing are also removed with the infection. By doing this all the emotions are gone, they become stone cold and lonely for the rest of their life.

When it becomes too much, blood will come up too and eventually the victim either dies of suffocation, choking or collapsing of the lung.

When it becomes too much, blood will come up too and eventually the victim either dies of suffocation, choking or collapsing of the lung

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