Month 1

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The babies didn't cry much. They were glad they didn't. Barry was carrying Kara around the house humming to her softly. A little smile appeared on her face.

"Smile" Thea said taking a picture.

Barry turned around. "Oh hey Thea"

"Hi. Aren't you two adorable?" Thea smiled. "I'm glad Oliver is with you."

Barry smiled as he saw Oliver coming up the stairs with John in his arms. Thea took a picture of him and John as well.

"Why did you do that?" Oliver looked at Thea.

"It's to remember my niece and nephew as babies with their dads"

"Oh come on Ollie. It's just for memories. And besides babies do grow up fast." Barry said.

Oliver nodded agreeing with both of them. Thea headed downstairs to leave them alone together.

Barry began to shed tears of joy. "I'm so happy. I finally get to have a family with someone I love"

Oliver smiled. "I feel the same." He kissed his lover on the lips.

Thea was sneaking up to where they were for a perfect picture. She smiled looking at the perfection of the photo.


The babies were fast asleep in their crib. The both of them didn't like to be separated.

Barry looked at Oliver and kissed him on the lips. Oliver was surprised at first but he liked it of course so he let him.

Barry went on top of Oliver and pulled off his shirt. Ollie began to kiss Barry's neck. The brunette moaned as he began to suck at a certain spot leaving a hickey. He knew it was going to be gone in a few hours but he loved it when he heard his lover moan.

The mood was killed as soon as the babies cried.

"Damn it." Barry said putting his shirt back on. "I'll get them" he went to the crib where he saw the two holding one another's hand, bawling.

He picked them both up gently. "What's wrong? It's ok. Daddy is here." He said but they continued to cry.

"How about I help you?"

Barry turned to see Moira walking up to him. She grabbed John and held him close.

"They're a lot of work to take care of" Barry said.

"I know. And I only raised two yet that was still a lot of work for me"

"I bet"

"Has Ollie asked you the question yet?"

Barry blushed and looked at her. She stared at his hand not seeing a ring.

"Well to be honest I think it's about time. You two have dated for about four years right?"

"Uh yeah"

"Then it's time. I'd love to have you as a son-in-law"

"Thank you Mrs. Queen"

"Oh please. Call me Moira."

"Oh... then thank you Moira"

"Of course" She put John back in his crib.

Barry put Kara by John's side and they once again held hands.

"Can I ask you something?" Barry asked following Moira out of the baby's room.

"I'll answer it the best I can"

"Why doesn't Mr. Queen like me?"

Moira stopped in the middle of the hallway. She turned to Barry. "I don't know. Maybe because he wanted Oliver to be with a... a female not... not a male. But always remember everyone else loves you. It doesn't matter what he thinks. We're still paying for the wedding"

Barry smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Moira"

She hugged back assuring him everything was ok. "Anytime dear"

Barry went to his and Oliver's room. He told him everything that happened. Oliver rolled his eyes.

"He's just a bitter old man. And besides it's not like he really cares about me"

They heard a knock on the door. Barry went to go get it. The door swung open and hit him on the nose. Oliver went straight to Barry ignoring his father walking in. He gave him a tissue for his nose bleed.

"Dad! Aren't you going to apologize to him?" He said as he helped Barry up.

"I'm not apologizing to that" he responded. "I heard you and that thing adopted a child."

"Two actually." Barry said.

"I think it's best if you gave them back. You want them to be corrupted?"

From there Oliver got pissed and began having a fight with his dad. Barry left the room quietly to tend to the children. He looked at them sleeping soundly for now. He went to the wall, pressed his back to it sliding onto the floor. He began to cry. He felt so unwanted by that man. He hated him when he doesn't even know him.

Soon the yelling got louder and he heard Thea, Moira, Diggle and Felicity come up the stairs. Diggle and Felicity went to the baby's room. Felicity turned to see Barry full of tears.

"Barry?" She went closer to him and knelt down beside him. "You ok?"

"No... I'm not... he hates me." Barry hugged Felicity.

The yelling got worse with Moira and Thea in the other room.

"How dare you!!!!! He's perfect for our son!!!!! You could at least be happy!!!!" Moira yelled back at Robert.

"If can't accept them both maybe YOU should just go!!!!" Thea yelled.

"Fine!!!! I'll leave!!!" He left hearing the babies yell in the other room. "Get rid of those damn things!!!!!" He went to his and Moira's room to pack his things up.

Thea stormed out of the room and into the nursery. She sighed and then began crying. Diggle comforted her while Felicity and Barry were trying to calm John and Kara down.

"I need to check on Barry." Oliver told his mom.

"Go on sweetheart" she left the room.

Oliver walked into the nursery. Thea was hugging Diggle and Barry was still trying to calm the babies with Felicity. As soon as Felicity saw Oliver she handed Kara to him.


Days passed and they haven't heard a thing from Robert. It was best for all of them. He wasn't going to allow it then leaving was the best choice for him.

Barry was still feeling a bit uneasy even if he already left the house. But with Oliver's comfort he was going to be just fine. Especially now that they have John and Kara everything was going to be much better.

Barry Allen/Oliver QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon