Month 2

908 14 1

Oliver looked around the house for Barry. It was the middle of the night and he found his side empty. He checked downstairs but he wasn't there. He checked the kitchen then the living room. He went back upstairs and went to the nursery room. It was dark and he didn't want to wake the twins up.

He went back into his and Barry's room and grabbed his phone. He turned on the flash light.

"Oliver... turn that off" Barry was on the floor, still a bit sleepy.

"What are you doing here?" He sat down beside him turning off the flashlight.

"Kara and John were acting up so I stayed here. I need another blanket by the way..."

"We can move them into our room for now."

"...I'm an idiot for not thinking that..."

Oliver chuckled. "Come on. Let's take em"

Barry and Oliver got up and took the crib to their room. Luckily the babies didn't wake up. They climbed into their bed.

"Jefferson and Rip are coming tomorrow to see the kids." whispered Barry.

"That's great." Ollie whispered back. He yawned turning to face Barry. "I love you."

Barry smiled. "Back at ya" He kissed his lips. "Good night."



"Aw! Isn't she beautiful?" Jefferson said happily holding Kara, who had woken up just five minutes ago.

"Yeah. But look at him!" Rip said carrying John. "Isn't he adorable?"

"Let's just agree they're both cute."

"Alright. I guess."

Barry came back into the living room with some tea for Rip and Jefferson. He sat down in the chair next to them.

"How old are they?" Rip asked.

"Um. Five and a half months they told us." Barry responded. "They gave us the papers. It has everything we need to know."

Jefferson poked Kara's nose which made her giggle. "One thing I learned from being a parent is babies grow up fast. They aren't little bundles for long"

"Yeah. Soon they'll be rebelling." Rip added.

"Then misbehave"

"Not wanting to come back home-" Rip stopped and looked at Barry. He looked kind of scared. "But that depends"

"Oh yeah. Of course it does"

"Thanks for scaring the literal crap out of me..." Barry answered.

"We're sorry" Jefferson said.

"It's fine."

Oliver walked in with some coffee for him and Barry. They gulped their coffee down instead of taking sips. Rip was surprised at this while Jefferson gave this 'what the hell?' kind of look.

"They kept us up night after night. They are a lot worse if they're not together." Oliver said as response to the looks.

Rip nodded knowing the feeling while Jefferson just chuckled.

Hours go by and Jefferson and Rip had to say their goodbyes. Oliver and Barry sat on the couch beginning to fall asleep.


"Yeah Barry?"

"How will they be when they're older?"

"I don't know... but I bet Kara will be like you."

"I think John will get some of your attitude"

Oliver opened his mouth about to respond till they babies woke up crying, as usual. Barry and Ollie were about to get up until Thea quickly ran to them and her niece and nephew.

"I'll watch them for now. Get some rest. You need it" Thea said shooing them away. Barry and Ollie went upstairs to their room. Barry practically threw himself on the bed and quickly knocked out with Oliver's face sort of to the pillow was dead asleep.

Barry Allen/Oliver QueenWhere stories live. Discover now