If Only, Then Maybe

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{Warning, not true. Don't take it like it's based off me, because it's not. It was inspired, by what? I don't remember now.}

If only I didn't have to keep faking smiles.

then maybe I wouldn't want to run for miles and miles

If only I possessed an ounce of self-confidence,

then maybe you won't ever have to say my name in past tense.

If only I could fake it so much better,

then maybe they wouldn't say, "What's gotten into her?"

If only I could make lies would work on them,

then maybe they'd believe me when I said "I'm worth more than any gem."

If only you didn't know me,

then you'd believe me.

When I say;

"I don't want to fake any more smiles!

I don't feel like running for miles!

I don't have any confidence!

I don't want my name to be in past tense!"

But not everyone can make people believe.

So I guess I may as well leave.

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