Chapter Four.

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Sorry guys. here is the full chapter four.WARNING!! Not edited. So please do not comment on every little mistake I make. Thank you and enjoy!


Cora's POV

Sweet mother of baby Jesus. Was all that was going through my mind. Arthur still had me up.

"Arthur put me down. Please" I whisper to him. Praying to God that whoever caught us wouldn't kill me.

"Aww shoot. Look at you Jackson." Some white man said laughing

"Lincoln. What in Sam's hell!? Scared the living daylights out of me." Arthur whispered yelled.

"Why are you whispering?" Lincoln asks a little confused.

"I don't want to attract any unwanted attention."

"Well if you put the young lady down, it will probably look like we are just having a normal conversation while she helps us. By the way I didn't get the beautiful woman's name." the Lincoln guy says putting all his attention on me. I look at him a little dumbfounded.

"Oh .. OH! My name is Cora. Cora Wilson." Putting my hand out, he kindly shakes it.

"Well I'm Lincoln. Gabrielle Lincoln. Nice to meet you sweet cheeks." he kissed the back of my hand causing me to blush. "Y'all are very lucky that it was me who caught y'all and not somebody else."

"I know I'm lucky I met the prettiest woman in the world." Arthur kissed cheek.

"Hey Cora you wanna see a picture of my wife? "

"Sure why not" he handed me the picture and I saw a curvy, ebony skinned woman. She was very beautiful. "Wow. She is very beautiful" I hand him back the picture.

"Yeah she is. Her name is Delilah. Delilah Lincoln."

"How could you guys get married without getting killed."

"It was a secret. And we got married in Canada and had our honeymoon there also. Then came back to the States and moved to Michigan."

"Oh that's nice." I say

"What the hell are you doing out here. get your nigger ass back in there. We need some help." one of the head nurses yelled at me. I rushed to her side.

"I'm so sor-"

"I don't need no got damn apology. Why are you out here!? No one gave you a break.!" she continued to scorn me.

"Excuse me miss." Arthur limped his way towards us. "Ms. Cora was just helping me to the restroom."

I look at him send him a silent thank you.

"Very well then. Take him back to his bed. We need you in the colored quarters."

"Oh yes ma'am." I say helping him back inside and to his bed .

"When can I see you again?" Arthur snuck a kiss.

"I'm here everyday" I wink at him walking away.



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