Chapter Twelve

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     I started drifting into conscious, in and out. The first thing I could do was feel. There was something on my face. The second thing was that I could hear someone snoring. The third thing was that I could smell. Pizza? Maybe. Then I could taste, my mouth tasted like puke. Then, I could see. But I couldn't. I strained my eyes, and realized my vision was being obstructed by the thing on my face. I grabbed it and pulled it off. It was a half eaten piece of pizza with gummy worms on it. I dropped it and looked around. I saw Fukase, from above, laying on the floor. He was asleep. Oliver was next to me in a bed. He was asleep too. I looked around at the room. It was a total mess. There were empty soda cans, marshmallows, all sorts of junk. I felt like crap.
"What the hell?" I said out loud.
Fukase stirred, then groaned and look at me.
"What the hell happened?" I could hardly understand myself.
"I dunno."
I groaned and turned over to Oliver.
"Oliver. Wake up."
He mumbled something that sounded like, "It tastes like dirt," but settled back down.
I turned back around to Fukase.
"I'm getting up."
I got up and stepped on him.
I yelled at me.
"Screw you." I said.
I went to his bathroom to take a shower, and the water was freezing. I screamed.
Fukase yelled from his room, "Don't die."
"It's the water, Fuckass."
I got out when I was done and didn't even get a towel. I just walked out. It was like a hangover or something, but I hadn't had anything to drink. I went back in Fukase's room.
"Is Oliver awake yet?"
Fukase started to answer, then he just stared at me a few seconds, comprehending with his tiny, tiny brain.
"JESUS CHRIST!" He covered his eyes.
"Don't be such a baby," I said.
"Are you drunk or something?"
I ignored him  and walked over to Oliver.
"GET UP!" I yelled.
"What?" He turned over.
"Why are you naked?"
"Move!" I said.
He got out if the bed, and I got into it.
"Now leave me alone."
And they did.
That was the most embarrassing experience of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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