Chapter Two

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     "Una, is it scary?" Said the little blonde-hair boy, pointing to his eye, which was covered with a bandage.
"No, Oliver, it's not scary at all." Una said blandly while reading a magazine. He pouted and said, "Well, what are you gonna wear?" Una scoffed. "Nothing, obviously. I'm in high school. I can't go around wearing some fairy princess outfit on Halloween. It'll ruin my life for the next three years."
"Well what are you gonna do? Just laze around the house like some depressed middle-aged man?" Una growled, "No. I'm going to take you to experience what Halloween is really about." Oliver's lit-up face turned dark. "Do I still get to go trick-or-treating?"
"If you're okay with staying up late, then I guess I'll take you around. But afterwords, we're going to... THE HOUSE." She said this in a menacing way. Oliver's mouth gaped open. "No way! That place is haunted, and there's ghosts, and vampires, and monsters that go in the basement, and-and-"
"Well, too bad. We're going. You'll thank me in a few years when your girlfriend wants to go watch a scary movie with you." Oliver looked like he was about to cry. "Look, it'll be fine. And if any monsters come, I'll beat 'em up!" She was actually half serious. She heard some pretty nasty kids would sometimes hang out there, but she really wanted to give Oliver a thrill. Besides, she took boxing lessons, and she was pretty quick on her feet. She was sure they'd be fine. But she was wrong.
     Oliver still looked dissatisfied. Una sighed and said, "Okay, afterwards, if you don't have enough candy, I'll buy you a big bag." Oliver face lit back up. "Really?" He gasped. "...Yeah..." said Una. He giggled and hugged her. "Let's go!" He said, running down the stairs, completely forgetting his fear. "Candy really does solve everything." She muttered, and ran after him.

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