Chapter Six

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     Ready, Oliver?" I said. He nodded blandly. "Don't worry, just remember the candy." He looked at me, made a determined expression, and went, "Mmhm!" I laughed. He grabbed my hand, and we walked into the house.
     This is more of a mansion, huh?" I half-laughed. I was serious, though. The place was like one of those "Woodland Mansion" things in that game Oliver likes to play. "Come on." I said. We walked around, occasionally seeing a spider or hearing a creaking sound.
     "What was that?" Oliver said.
"Oliver, it's just a little creak. We've been hearing them the whole time we've been in here." I said
"But that was louder than the other ones."
"Oh, shut up."
We sat, our mouths gaping open, until Oliver whispered, "I told you",
"It's nothing, okay? Just a mouse or something."
"Real original."
"Let's just find the door."
We stumbled around frantically, but we were lost.
That's when we heard a laugh, and I shined my flash light where I thought I'd heard it.

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