Chapter Twelve

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They made their way down to the beach and it was just like Gerard had said, they didn't have to climb a lot and it was easy-peasy-pumpkin-peasy, motherfucker.

When they had reached the beach a shadow appeared and covered the sun. They looked up into the sky and saw it was a black pegasus.

"Whoa!", was all Patrick could say seeing this majestic creature. Very rhetorically talented, much eloquence. "Can you speak?" Donna asked the flying horse.

"Question is, can you refrain from speaking all the damn time", a slightly more rude person would have answered, but the creature appreached by the redheaded woman was a very calm and strictly pacifist one.

"Of course I can, human being. I am an intelligent person! My name is Blackjack." (GET WHO THIS IS???)
The Doctor told Blackjack their names.
Then he asked how they could get over the ocean to the city of bones.

"I am willing to help you, that's why I am here, in my last holidays on earth I helped some alien-hybrids to save the earth, now I'll help you saving this planet.

But one thing is strange, my bosses usually send me to seven-person-groups, I am used to seven humans to help, I don't know either why you're eight..."

"Oh, easy!",the Doctor said. That's because I'm not exactly a human being. I am a Gallifreyan."

"Oh, I am sorry. I know about the war... But I was in my emo teenager phase during the time war, so I didn't go out of my room, but I've read the newspaper and I am honestly very sorry.",Blackjack said, lowering his voice.

"It's okay." The Doctor sighted. Patrick noticed the other's confusion and remembered only he and Donna knew about this part of their Gallifreyan friend's life.

The others send him questioning looks but he made a "I'll tell you later, this is not the right moment"-gesture, at least he hoped they would understand this was what his gesture meant.

But luckily they seemed to get the message and didn't ask the Doctor about it. "So, how exactly are you going to help us?" Pete asked the pegasus.

"I'll fly you over to the city.", Blackjack answered his question.
" are only one do you want to do this?" Andy asked curious.

"First: It's pegasus, not horse-guy or whatever. You can call the centaurs horse-guys, but I am a proud pegasus!

And second: Of course I can. I am capable of understanding maths, I am even capable of leaving my bed in the morning within seconds after the first alarm, I am a very mysterious creature and can do things you humans can't even dream of being able to do."

Then Blackjack bit in Gerards sleeve and swung him on his back, soon Frank followed and then they all climbed on Blackjack's back. And it was creepy but true, just imagine him like the Tardis, the pegasus seemed to be big enough.

Before, Patrick was sure about that considering the situation retrospectively , he was normal-horse-sized pegasus, but he seemed like he had grown every time another time traveller had taken place in his back.

Later, the Doctor told him this was caused by a telepathic mind blocker, an electric signal that blocked certain connections in the brain and could manipulate the sent information, in this case it let the seven humans (It didn't work with the Doctor's brain, of course not.) think Blackjack would be only as tall as a normal horse.

Patrick sat next to Blackjack's head and his hands grabbed the pegasus' dark hair. The Doctor looked quite exited, even in his over 900 years of life experience he had never ridden on a pegasus before.

Donna looked kinda grumpy and mumbled something about not enough comfort while Pete stared over the ocean with a dreamy expression on his face, probably thinking about Mikey Way's unicorn.

Andy ate a banana (Where the heck did he get a banana? Nobody knew. Except maybe Gerard because Gerard just knows things, remember?).

And Joe choked on a bee which had flown into his mouth to visit it's friend, the fly from chapter 11/ part one. He decided to swallow the bee and punish it by eating broccoli later.

He hated broccoli and hoped so would the bee, it would die covered in broccoli! He sighted when he noticed he just wasn't a cruel person and so he pulled some chocolate out of his fro and ate it because so the bee could at least die in chocolate.

Plus he could eat choclate while it died, I think we could call this a win-win situation.

(A./N.: I wouldn't be too sad if I died covered in choclate. Yup. And this bee had the chance to see all these band members. Lucky, dead bee.)

The cold wind blew and they flew so close over the water that some higher waves almost made Patrick's feet wet. After only a few minutes they had reached the island the City Of Bones was built on.

They jumped from Blackjack's back and looked around. (Try to say "Blackjack's back" like ten times as fast as you can lmao^^Or even worse: "Blackjack's backpack")

They stood in a small street, grey walls to their left and to their right, the street led to an empty place in front of a building which obviously was the major hall, considering the fact this word wss spelled in big black letters over the whole front side of the building, at least Patrick thought so, there was also the possibility it could also be a totally up fucked joke.

The city looked cold and...dead. There was no life, no children playing in the streets and no old women talking through windows, no lamps and no cars, nothing.

Not even cats or rats or the howling of dogs... There were no plants either and no other signs of life.
But suddenly a loud, metallic voice came out of a phonebox, Patrick saw there were several boxes in the streets.

"The great president will have a speech at the Trump Place, the presence of every single habitant is obligatory.", the voice said.

"There's no way we are not going to this place, right?",Donna said grinning. "True!", the Doctor said laughing. "C'mon guys!",Andy shouted, he and Joe were already gone a few metres towars the place which seemed to be the "Trump Place".

The other hurriedly followed them and now human looking people, some raxacoricofallapatorians and unicorns left their grey houses and went to the place, soon it was filled with people and the streets were full of people, but still... it was weird.

And then Patrick realized what was causing the weirdness: Nobody talked. The whole crowd stayed quiet, they even walked quiet, yes, they even tried to breath quiet, and they all looked down on the ground.

Pattycakes guessed they tried not to catch someone's -something's?- attention, clothed all grey and similar, the Raxacoricofallapatorians with grey paint on their exoskeletons, the unicorns with grey died hair...

And then someone walked out of the building. "Welcome your president!",the person shouted.


Okay, I think this is getting out of hand and my writing and the plot are mutating to something...weird. And I kind of am embarrassed^^.

Okay, I'll write again as soon as I can.

Hasta lugeo, please boost my ego.

(For example by complimenting these rhyming skills... WHOA!

WC: 11635+1262 =12857

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