Chapter Eight

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I spent the last few days getting emotional over fanfics and now  after hours of eating cookies, I thought I could maybe write a little chapter nobody's gonna read.

And well, here it is. Okay, honestly, I only write bc my router is off and I could go and restart it and ten minutes later I would probably have Internet again, but then I'd have to leave my bed and...The choice isn't easy. So I decided to write this and THEN I'll maybe get up...yeah, maybe.

The All-American Rejects were on the radio a few minutes ago and I just felt the need to tell you this.


Um, this is probably important: In this story Will and Nico are 19 and 18 y/o, just to make this less awkward and so on. They won the war against Gaia and now their only problems are sometimes some aliens (=monsters) and stuff.

Where did the last chapter end? *author reads own story bc she honestly has no clue where she stopped the last time*

Oh yes. Patrick ate Leo's Marshmallows. They were really, really, fucking delicious. He didn't know if there were some strange kind of Marshmallow-Gods, but if they existed, Leo was definitely a son of one of them.

He tried to distract himself from the marshmallows -the goddamn, fucking perfect marshmallows- and mentally forced himself to think about a plan.

He decided he knew not enough about Will and Nico and the demigods' -the hybrids'- life in general, he would have to ask someone. Not the Doctor, not Donna, better another demigod.

Donna couldn't be the only one who shipped them -How did she call it? Solangelo?-, Patrick knew an awful lot about ships, he hadn't become an OTPero by doing nothing for this job, it had been hard work and lots of fanfiction and books about ships to read, it had been a stressful training, but it hadn't been unnecessary.

And one important thing has all the studying and learning thought him: Nice ships have much fans. Especially teenage girls seemed to know which ship could sail and which would sink, they just felt things like that, Patrick guessed.

Which gave him the idea for what he should do next: Talking to some teenage girls. Wow, that sounded so fucking wrong, even when he just thought this sentence, but you, dear reader, and me and him, we all know in which way he had meant this.

He had to find some fangirls so he could ask him what they thought about Solangelo. If they said this could work, he was willing to help this ship sailing on.

And well, maybe they would help him to figure out just how the fuck he could make then become a thing.

So he noted
'1.) Finding a fangirl and asking her about Solangelo'
on his mental check list, put his a bit crooked fedora back on it's place and inhaled the cool air.
Yes, this would work. At least he hoped so.

If it didn't he was really fucked, he wasn't sure if he had the guts to disappoint Donna and tell her he couldn't help her with her ship, he knew that the pain people could feel when they knew their OTP would never be real was bad.

Like really, fucking heartbreaking. (N./A.: Description of my life, tbh. XD)
And he just had the certain feeling Donna already had gone through much shit and would have to take even more, and he saw how sad the Doctor sometimes looked at her, as if he knew that his best friend had not an easy life and as if he would blame himself for that.

Maybe this was just what all the Doctor's companions got: A broken heart in one or another way and a sadness that wouldn't left them, but maybe this was the price you had to pay to see just a bit more of the universe, the price they paid for travelling through time and space.

And who knows, maybe, if Patrick wouldn't have the band and his job as an OTPero, maybe he would be one of those few people who found the Doctor and who paid this price just to see so much more than normal people could ever dream of.

Probably. But this hadn't been the way he had chosen years ago, and in a weird way he was happy with the decision he had made because Patrick was sure he wasn't as strong as Donna, he would probably break or die as a companion.

Or, worse, he would stay one of the others, just another wave in the ocean, one of these people he pitied so much, the ones who hadn't a little fucking clue what this world really was like.

And in a way only people who had shared at least one experience with the Gallifreyan who called himself the "Doctor", he found that this option would be the worst, way worse than seeing other galaxies and times even though some companies paid with their lifes, some only with their hearts and some with their sanity.

But back to his plan...this girl over there, with brown hair and a kind of unforced , maybe even unwanted prettiness, should be perfect.

He had seen her a few minutes ago exchanging a few sentences with Nico, which meant she knew them.

Patrick took a last marshmallow -they were insanely good- and stood up, making his way through the laughing crowd of teenage alien hybrids who could kill them before he could say "These marshmallows deserve a fucking prize!" and catched the girl's attention by tapping on her shoulder.


Well, I get the feeling that I should put the whole Solangelo thing in the next chapter so I can start with Tenrose or something in chapter ten.

I think I'll leave my bed now so I can maybe make my damn internet work like it's supposed to do so I can upload this (crappy^^) chapter.

And maybe I'll eat a sandwich.

Or two. Or three...

Hasta luego, amigos.😊❤


an OTPero with a FedoraWhere stories live. Discover now