Chapter Three; What Else Should It Be?

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WC: 2056

You can't imagine how proud I am bc of this title. I mean, it rhymes. I know, I probably shouldn't feel so much pride because of something like that... Don't judge me, I'm weird.

Btw, I have to admit I LOVE the pic above^^ I's so fucking adorable, how could you not ship Frerard? :3


As soon as the Tardis had landed, Patrick, who had fallen on the floor during the time travel, tried to stand up. He failed, falling back sighting on his butt. He heard someone laughing at him and blushed in embarrassment. The Doctor, still laughing about Patrick's trying to stand up, offered him his hand and pulled him back on his feet. "Hey guys, come over here, look!", a certain red haired Lady's voice shouted.

Both went to Donna to see what she wanted to show them. The Tardis stood under a tree and in front of them, there was a singing crowd.
Patrick new the song, it was "Na Na Na" bei My Chemical Romance.

Perfect place, perfect time. Thanks for bringing me to this place." Patrick thanked the Doctor and Donna. "You're welcome. After all you've done for...All you will... All you could do for us in this or another parallel universe.", Donna smiled. "And it's not like we do this just because we're so altruistic", the Doctor added. "We also want to see how you're doing this all, you know, making the ships become true and so on... Not that we aren't altruistic, of course we are, I mean, we saved the world like one million fucking times..."

Patrick nodded grinning. "Of course you can watch me working my magic!" he said. "But let's hurry, I think this is the last song of this concert." Donna and the Doctor agreed and so they all went to search an entrance or something, so Patrick could make Frerard become true. They walked around the singing and screaming people, not exactly knowing where they could find a way to get backstage.

They walked in silence, the only one who made any sounds was the Doctor, mumbling things about red hair and so much ginger people but a poor timelord who just wants nice hair in his imagined beard.

They reached a little door in the back of the stage background-thing (Patrick didn't know how to call this installation) and tried to open it. He pulled, and when nothing happened, he shighted in disappointment. Brendon would like that, he thought. At least someone closed the goddamn door.

To his surprise the Doctor didn't look upset in any way. "Let me try", he proposed. "Do you think I was just to weak to open this fucking door?" Patrick asked a little bit pissed. "No, of course not, let's just say I have...methods to open doors. Trust me, I'm the Doctor."

The Doctor took someting out of his suit's pocket. It was like a really strange, complicated looking stick, Patrick had no fucking clue what it could be.
"Oh, just ignore him", Donna whispered. "He just likes being the dramatic hero saving us opening this door." She winked. "Okay, I'll try" Patrick said smiling again, Donna was really nice. "Bloody hell, by the glory of the queen, what's wrong with this door?" they heared an annoyed Doctor shout.

"I guess you alien technic didn't work how you had expected this?" Donna sighted. "Hrmpf", the Doctor mumbled. "I'll try it one more time" Patrick watched him holding his whatever-it-was-weird-alien-pen-thing over the door's lock. Then he pulled again, but nothing happened, the door didn't open.

"Oh boys", Donna sighted but started laughing at their facial expressions. "Let me try!" She went to the door amd simply pushed, the door opened immediately.

The Doctor's and Patrick's faces were bright red. They hurried to walk in and slam the door behind them, making their way towards where they thought the band members would be, they couldn't hear the music anymore, so they assumed the show had found it's end.

They opened another door (This time they tried it with pushing at the first time and it worked perfectly) and walked straight into a room four people where in, the members of MCR, how Patrick saw, watching the three time travellers surprised.

Patrick took a deep breath and thought about an explanation. ", we are the..." "The technic guys!" Donna interrupted him. Good thing she did so, because our cute little Pattycake had no idea what to say.

"Oh, that's good", Gerard said, "We have a little problem with my mic." He pointed at a microphone laying on a desk next to the door. "Um, yeah...I we'll totally repair this know,'s our job. We are really very real technic specialists." These where the first words the Doctor said. He was a totally authentic liar how Patrick had to admit. (A./N.: Feel the sarcasm. BE THE SARCASM.)

"Well, thanks. Do you guys have enough time to repair this one here too? We don't know why exactly it doesn't work, maybe because we threw it to the ground or because we stepped on it when we sang today...You know, things everyone does with his mics." Frank, a very small guy with black hair, a lip piercing and a scorpion tatoo said. "I can get very...enthusiastic when we performed" Gerard said laughing, brushing his dyed red hair out of his face.

While the Doctor repaired the first mic, Frank offered Donna and Patrick a coffee. They thankfully said yes, glad to get some caffeine. Time travelling made tired.

They talked a bit, and after a while, Mikey Way -Daddy Longlegs, how Patrick called him in his thoughts- invited them to stay over night, to talk and eat and maybe drink a little. ( A./N.: Do you know this weird feeling when you can't decide which one you prefer, Petekey or Peterick because Wattpad can be really confusing? This is the reason why I won't pair one of the both with Pete, at least not in this story.)

After a few hours of just talking, Mikey and Ray left to go to bed. Mikey giggled when Ray asked him to leave with him and both blushed furiously when Gee shouted "Have fun" before they left, so Patrick thought he didn't have to do anything to help this ship to sail on, it already did. He nipped on his beer and focused on his mission: Frerard.

"Wanna play truth or dare?", he asked. Gerard and Frank immediately agreed, much alcohol had passed their mouths the last hours, and so they weren't sober enough to see what this could end in. Patrick hadn't drunken as much as Frank and Gerard, the Doctor probably had, but his body regenerated so fast he didn't get drunk, the alcohol left his system to fast.

Donna had drunken the most, but she still acted like it hadn't been more than maybe one or two glasses of beer. So the only ones who were really drunk were Frank and Gerard, and that was exactly like they acted too. Both giggled at everything and told silly jokes.


Please, leave a comment or share,
because I really care.
I can't rhyme, so please excuse this,
but in chapter four'll be a frerard kiss *-*.

Meh. I honestly don't know why I wrote a fucking poem...a fucking poem. Ugh, I should get some hobbies. XD

WC: 2056+1253=3309

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