Chapter Eleven pt 1

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WC: 11450

Helloooo! :D

This chapter is going to suck. And not in the good way, like Brendon Urie (Do you know which tweet I refer to?^-^), but in the way maths suck.

Okay, try not to die and I wish you much fun (Is this even possible by this plotless and weird written story???)
from the Gerard of my heart.


*One week later, plus/minus a few hours*

Patrick and the other bandmembers sat outside on camping chairs in front of the tourbus and let the sun warm their faces.

Pete let out a lazy yawn."I'm so happy we have nothing to do today."he sighted happily.

"Yeah",Andy said and Patrick just nodded in agreement. Joe choked on a fly which had flown into his mouth, but he seemed to relate to Pete's statement too.

And ,we all know this, everytime you start relaxing and chilling and get used to your life, something appeares and throws you out of your comfort zone.

And well, this might be an important step on the process of getting older or metally riper or something, but it still is annoying as fuck.

Well, the thing that destroyed the band's moment of peace and maybe boredom was not that least none of us would say it was because we all are kinda Doctor Who obsessed.

And -you probably already figured this after my last sentence- the sound breaking the silence was the sound of the appearing Tardis.

This day wouldn't be boring at all, that was for sure.
But this hadn't to be a bad thing...

A little danger and adventure at a time is always nice. (And for the ones who don't have the luck to meet a timelord or be a bandmember or who don't even leave their house [an actual decribtion of me, the author, tbh^^] clever people invented netflix, cookies, chips and tea/cola/coffe:D )

"What the fuck is that?" Pete screamed in surprise while Patrick happily smiled and Andy looked like he couldn't really believe what had just happened.

Well, that probably was an appropriate reaction, after all not everyone in this world can know about time travelling and the Tardis and the Doctor...

And Joe didn't show any sign of fear or surprise, Patrick totally couldn't say what he was thinking by the look on his face - well, probably something like "Yummy!" because Joe had just swallowed the fly he had choked on before, Tardises and time travelling and stuff may be cool but that didn't mean he would waste a little snack...delicious fly protein, yes.

(What the hell is going on in my head, I seriously made Joe eat a fly?!?! The niveau of this story is going down down in an earlier round...)

The door of the Tardis swung open and Patrick's favourite alien (And the only one he knew, as long as he didn't count the hybrids/demigods/whatevers as aliens. And no, Gee Way-much-gay doesn't count as an alien. Okay, maybe. A hesitant alien.) jumped out of it, followed by Donna.

"These lovely guys are Donna Nobel and the Doctor." Patrick said towards his bandmates. "And these dudes here are my friends and bandmates, Joe, Andy and Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third.",he introduced his friends.

"Only Pete, please",Pete mumbled. "But you can also call him little myspace whore!" Andy added. "That was years ago, shut the fuck up!" Pete said in an annoyed voice but the corners of his mouth held back an amused smile.

"Nice to meet you. I hope you are nice to Patrick." Donna said. "Donna Nobel, how he already said"-she underlined her words with a gesture towards Patrick-"and I am a very nice person but if I'd hear someone isn't nice to Patrick I could get a bit...not amused. And you surely don't want that."

"Of course!" Andy said, smiling in a friendly manner which couldn't completely cover how uncomfortable he felt under Donna's look. After a few seconds which felt like hours, her gaze fell on Pete.

"MySpace-whore the third? May you show me where the toilet is? A lady has standards, I wasn't peeing since last evening because Space Boy obviously doesn't know where in time and space people have acceptable WCs."

Pete quickly nodded, according to his facial expression he wasn't happy about this name but he didn't want to correct this red haired woman, an instinct inside of him seamed to shout: "Don't you ever make this woman your enemy!"and he wouldn't ignore his instincts.

Well, telling her to call him "Pete" instead of MySpace-whore or something probably wouldn't make her his enemy but... he better didn't risk anything.

He lead her to the bathroom and went back to the others. The Doctor and Andy and Joe had talked a bit and now the timelord walked towards Pete and shook his hand.

"I'm the Doctor!"he said friendly. "I know who you are, Patrick told us." Pete smiled. "And I am, how you have already heared before, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, also called MySpaceWhore, but I'd really prefer you to call me Pete."

Their conversation was interrupted by Patrick's voice shouting "Guys! I've made tea and we have cookies!" from the kitchen and well... they walked to the kitchen in almost warp-speed; I mean...cookies!

And then they all sat on the small table in the kitchen, drinking tea and eating cookies and Donna had joined them too a few minutes later.

But all the time, Pete looked like he really wanted to ask something but didn't wabt to bother their guests with it.

"Just spit it out, bro." Patrick said. "But please only metaphorically because...ew",the Doctor said totally necessary. "I know you want to ask something." Patrick smiled nicely. "Umm...", Pete blushed.

"It's just...I reall loved the time I spent with Mikey Way's unicorn and when it had to return to it's planet, I was really sad but...could we maybe visit it?"he asked shyly, looking at the Doctor with hopeful puppy eyes.

[Part two of chapter 11 in the next chapter!]

I'll upload it tomorrow! (I promise)...I wonder if anyone even does read this but probably not.

Bye friennns.♥

WC: 11450+1050=11500

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