Chapter One : Introduction

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Wordcount: 0

Hey guys, I'm hopeful you'll not hate me too much (But I don't even know if someone reads this^^), have fun or not, it's up to you. (And my writing, which is pretty shitty so this could be difficult:D )
Btw, I didn't rly figure out this whole empty-lines-between-certain-text-parts-thing, but I tried to do my best while agressively typing on my poor mobile phone (I listened to MCR so I wasn't that calm I maybe should have been to not totally mess up everything, but hey,I'm JUST A WOMAN, NOT A HERO, JUST A GIRL, WHO HAD TO WRITE THIS FAN FICTION!

Death wishes, letter bombs and cookies →→→ comments


Patrick jumped out the tourbus with his packed backpack which was all he would need for his plan. He had waited 'til the others had fallen asleep and now it was time to do what he did every night when they weren't at stage.

Patrick closed the goddamn door, Brendon chiming in was the last thing he wanted to happen. He walked along a stony path to the place he had parked his motorcycle. Not a normal motorcycle, of course not. This one was his secret, Tony Stark, an old friend of our Pattycake, had invented and build it for him as a birthday present.

He climbed on the comfortable seat and started the machine. This night, he knew, he would do something big. Not like the little couples he had made finding each other, no, he wanted to create a perfect couple, two people who where supposed to be together. An OTP, how fangirls called it...

Well, truth be told, Patrick was a fangirl himself. At least in his heart. And he shipped literally everything. There was no ship Patrick hadn't heard about it, no ship he didn't like. (Except MikeyxGerard...eww, waycest. But there were only very few people who shipped this, so it didn't really count as a ship.)

Patrick dropped a few of his motorcycle's buttons and suddenly, the bike flew up in the sky. Patrick smiled. His smile wasn't a rare thing, so this wasn't surprising, but when he flew, his smile grew so big he almost looked like a shark. ( Maybe that's where the rumours of Pete being killed by a shark which has eaten him came from... interesting theory.)

After a while enjoying the fresh air around his hears which weren't covered by his usual fedora (He couldn't fly with it, it wouldn't stay on his head, so he had packed it into his backpack) and watching the landscape changing beneath him, he flew lower and got slower, preparing his bike to land it on the earth.

He parked it and locked it with a vintage lock before walking over to a little hut which almost was hidden in the shadows under the tall trees of the forest he had landed in. He opened the door, closed it immediately behind him (To prevent himself from a certain bandmemberless guy) and threw his backpack in a corner of the little room he stood in.

He opened a closet, took a black suit which looked surprisingly like Batman's costume out of it and started to change his clothes. When he was ready, he took a look at him in the mirror. He grinned, satisfied with the way he looked and walked out of the hut to his motorcycle. He swung his right leg over it and took place, started it and drove into the pitch black night.

This would gonna be an amazing night, he was sure about that.
This mission would be epic, and he had to make sure not to fail.


I know it's fucking short, but I'll try writing at least one chapter every day (sry if I break this promise, but I'll seriously try), so don't worry about that. (I don't even know if someone's gonna read this crap, but I hope so xD.) If anyone has a wish about a ship Patrick could help to start sailing over this metaphorical ocean of fangirltears and -blood, just write it down in the comments, I'm pleased to please ya (It just started to play so now I'm gonna quote it^^) the only thing I don't do is Phan (I don't rly watch them, tbh, I usually watch German YouTubers). Um, if (and I don't think this will be the case but let me dream) you like this fic, share pls it and all this stuff;)

WC: 753

an OTPero with a Fedoraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن