Chapter Eleven pt 2

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... "It's just...I reall loved the time I spent with Mikey Way's unicorn and when it had to return to it's planet, I was really sad but...could we maybe visit it?"he asked shyly, looking at the Doctor with hopeful puppy eyes.

The timelord sighted. "Yes, of course. There's only one planet where unicorns live, at least in this galaxy, Walmingorico is the planet's name. We could search it there"

(The name comes from mixture between the word Whalemingo [Phineas and Ferb^^]and Raxacoricofallapatorian because, that's common knowledge, when a Whalemingo and a Raxacoricofallapatorian do the frickfrack together they both get pregnant, one with singing butterflies and one with a unicorn.)

"Coooool!" Pete was euphoric as fuck.

They all drank the last rest of tea they had and the walked over to the Tardis. The Doctor held the door open for Donna and she entered the Box, Patrick followed her and then the others, the Doctor quickly closed the door behind him. (10/10 forehead sympathy points^^)

Patrick saw the others's excitement and it amused him, even Donna looked happy and exited.

(A./N.: Okay; get ready for the references! ^^)

"Well, are you ready, Pete?",the Doctor asked. "Yeah" "How about you Patrick?" "Oh, I'm there, babe", Patrick answered and winked to clarify the platonic and not serious meaning of the 'babe'. "How 'bout you, Donna?"
"Fucking ready!" "Well, I think I'm alright", the Doctor said without waiting to be asked.

"The kids don't care if you're alright!" Joe said.

"The kids aren't alright either." Andy said.

"Are they not o-fucking-kay?",Pete asked.

"Whoa, guys, could you please focus on the important things now?" Donna remembered them.
"Like, for example, getting to this unicorn planet?"

"Yeah, sure." The Doctor nodded and quickly started to pull a few curtains down and soon they all felt the Tardis vibrating under their feet.

This feeling to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time filled Patrick and he knew they flew through time and space in this moment, this moment that could also be years, who knew; It was fucking time traveling.

The Tardis landed and a shook went through the whole public call box and threw the six on the ground.

"Seems like we arrived!" The Doctor shouted ad jumped back on his feet. He helped Donna getting up and the others stood up on their own.

Patrick opened the Tardis's door...Wow.
The Tardis stood on a little hill, covered in grass and beautiful flowers, a light breeze let the plants move in the wind and made them look like waves flooding around the hill.

Someone behind Patrick inhaled sharply, he turned around and saw it was Joe. "Whoa! This looks amazing!". The others came to look out of the door too. They all just stood there and watched the beautiful landscape, totally overwhelmed by it's perfection and calmness.

"Um, guys...",Andy finally said,"Don't forget we aren't just here for fun...Well, in fact we are, but we were supposed to have this fun by searching Mikey Way's unicorn so Pete can see it again."

"Oops, you're right, I totally forgot." Patrick said. "I'm so sorry. We should probably search it now, the sun is already sinking."

And yes, an orange light let the hills glow like gold, predicting the soon sunset that would end this idyllic scene and would start the night, and well, it might have been wonderful in the sunlight, but this still was an unknown planet for at least five of the six, and you should never risk being on an unknown planet when it's night...

Well... but no risk, no fun.
And so, they closed the goddamn door and walked towards the sun because Giggle Walmingorico, which totally was NOT like Google Earth because the name was basically a silly kind of laughter and another planet's name, had told them they'd get to the City Of Bones this way. (Which was obviously not named that way to rip of some book serious but rather to appreciate a TV-Show)

And after a few minutes, they had reached a coast, behind them where the hills with the ocean of flowers and grass, in front of them was a white sparkling beach and a turquoise and cyan glowing ocean, getting darker and bluer the deeper the water was. Sometimes shadows appeared and disappeared as fast as they came, giving the calm ocean a certain unquiet look.

And I already said, it was a cliff they stood on, the beach was at least twenty metres below their feet. And on the beach, there was a boat, and thanks to a bit giggling -No, not laughing, the equivalent to googling!- they knew it was the only way to get to the City Of Bones... which, by the way, wasn't really a name that let Patrick hope for such a peaceful place like the hill they'd landed on had been...

"Omg, Patrick? Donna? John?", a voice shouted behind them. Patrick almost hopped over the edge, damn, he was surprised as fuck. And when he turned around, he was even more surprised.

"Gerard? Frank? Hello guys, why are you here?" (A./N.: Yes, I know, that's a totally believable reaction when you meet people on another planet...Praise my writing skills and my enormous creativity xD )

"We are visiting my brother Mikey's unicorn, and you?" "Um, the same, to be honest. Pete"-Patrick pointed at Pete-"is a friend of Mikey". "Oh my god, really? That's really cool, wherever you are, you meet someone you know, at least over a few edges."Gerard said smiling.
"And guys?" Frank said, looking at Donna, Patrick, and the Doctor,"thanks. know... the next day, when we were sober again, we thought about how much we owe you..."
"Only a few oreos and a hand full of nothing!", the Doctor interrupted him.
"It was our pleasure; You are kind of our OTP!"

"Really?",Frank smiled. "And I do have some Oreos, but only vegan ones because I love that vegans can now get fat too!" (A./N.: This chapter is seriously just a bunch of bad puns and bandom references, whoops^^)

"Guys, come on, I've found a path going down to the beach! We don't have to climb that much,it will be easy-peasy-pumpin-peasy. Pumpkin pie, motherfucker!"

The all followed Gerard and made their way down to the beach. be continued


Idk but I'm rly kinda proud of the references^^ Well; if it's like the chapters 3→9,where I have like not a single read or vote or anything, nobody's gonna read this anyways but okay...

Hasta mañana, mis amigos♥

I finally know how to make the Lenny face and I'm so fucking proud it's ridiculous. :D

WC: 1135+11500=11635

an OTPero with a FedoraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant