Welcome Guys, Expect The Worst

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Hey y'all :) I have no clue what to write about to be honest, but I think it will be something about Patrick Stump being Batman being Manuel Neuer fighting villains and defending the world. And trying to make your OTPs become real. Yes, he's a mysterious man, our Pattycakes. Maybe he'll get some help by his time traveling alien friend, the Doctor. Yes, THE Doctor. You know, flying around in time and space in his blue box and saying totally clever and meaningful things like "wibbily wobbily timey-wimey" and stuff.

Let's be real, I guess it's gonna be awkward as fuck but I have nothing to do (umm... homework, tidying my room and studying are things I could and maybe I should really do, but you know...^^) so I think it's my turn to write a fanfiction after I've read and commented so many of them. And pls don't mind my terrible language, I'm German and too lazy to look up words I don't know. :D


This is a reupload of a story I once uploaded on another account, some mistkes were changed but it's pretty much the same.

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