"Daddy, u-u-up!" She cries, pulling on my pants as if trying to pull herself up. "Up!" She repeats. I sigh.
"Hazel, love. I'm getting your water. I can't do it if you're in my arms. I'm almost finished, love." I try to get her to understand. But Hazel just continues crying and rapidly shaking her head.

"Nooo! You! Daddy w-wan-Daddy wan' you!" She yells, coughing between sobs. I sigh inwardly as I finish twisting the cap on. I lift Hazel up and then go over and pick up her bottle. Hazel cries are almost completely subsided, now just crying softly.

"Hey, it's okay now! I'm here. Sorry, love, but I had to get you some water. Shhh, don't cry!" I soothe, swaying from side to side. She's rested on my hip with her head laying sideways on my shoulder, looking across the room. She lazily brings her mouth to the bottle every few seconds, drinking the probably not-so-warm-now milk.

I carry her around the house as she drinks her milk, keeping to the first floor. As soon as she's finished, there's a knock. Louis. Oh boy, this isn't going to go well based on her clinginess from her nap. I give her the sippy cup of water as I walk to the door.

I open the door to see Louis standing there, holding a few things under his arm. He had a smile on his face as he saw Hazel cuddled into me.
"Hi, Hazel, Harry!" He greets, waving as he invites himself in from the cold, February air outside.
"Hi!" I greet as I rub Hazel head soothingly.

"How are we?" Louis asks, sitting down in an arm chair. I sigh.
"Hazel woke up from her nap early with a headache and a serious case of clinginess." I chuckle a little as I bounce a now fussy Hazel. "It's been a rough afternoon. Sorry to put this on you. But, how have you been?" I ask Louis who is frowning.

"Aw, I'm sorry you're not feeling well, kiddo. And don't worry about it, Harry! Believe me, I've dealt with worse," He assures me. "As for what I've done today, I babysat a kid this morning, got lunch at a café with a friend, took a nap, and then came here. So yeah, I've been good!" He informs. I nod.

Louis has never been very good around older people. He's not socially awkward, he just has a hard time communicating with people over about thirty. Louis' not sure if it's because he was the oldest in his family; meaning he spent a lot of time with young children, or if it's just the way he is. That's also part of the reason why he has this job.

He is, of course old enough to have a 9-5 job everyday of the week, if he wanted to. It's easier for him to communicate and socialize with children. He's also quite the childish man. His clothes are bright colored and have wording on it, and just his overall appearance is infantile. I'm not criticizing him, I think he's a wonderful man. I just worry about him for his future. He's also worried. We've had long conversations about things like these. We have a good bond, which I'm glad because Louis doesn't have a lot of friends.

Another sort of 'issue' Louis has is that he's never been comfortable around girl's. He's had a few relationships, but none have ever lasted more than two years; the longest and most serious being a year-and-a-half. He's not gay or bisexual, he knows that. He just has a few issues when it comes to dating. He's very ashamed of it, but I told him that someday he's going to find the perfect girl. The girl of his dreams.

"Well that sounds like fun!" I cheer, making him smile a little. I check my watch. Yikes, I better get going or Gordon will be fumed. He's been moody lately because he can't find a decent receptionist since Charlie quit, and it's getting to his over-sized head. "I gotta get going now." I say, starting to detach a sleepy Hazel from my grip, knowing what's about to happen. As soon as she hears my recent sentence, Hazel drowsy eyes fling open and her grip on me get's really tight. She's gripping my shirt so hard her small knuckles are white. 

My Little Kiwi [H.S] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now