and im kind of out of my depth, you know?

super unstable

mood swings and everything

and gracie stuck with me through all of year 12

but i can tell that shes absolutely sick of it

its just

you can see the pity, and the boredom

its floating around in her eyes


shit, ellie

why aren't you telling anyone this?

not even your mum and dad seem to know

they were over at my house yesterday

they wanted to know how things were in sydney

apparently you talk to me more than you talk to them


yeah but if i talk to them they'll find out

they'll find out that its really bad again

and then they'll drag me back to adelaide

the city where nothing happens

away from the life i have here

away from the girls, away from gracie, away from uni, away from my WHOLE FUTURE

and i dont know

i feel guilty about keeping something as big as this from them, but if i dont talk to them i feel LESS guilty

so there's that explanation


okay so thats a big deal

but i made a promise not to overreact and ill keep it

and dont worry, i promise i wont tell

that's your decision, el, i would never have done that for you

but still

that doesn't explain the comments on harry's instagram?


thank you for not overreacting

ur being surprisingly smart about this


idk why

but yes, i am getting to the harry styles part

so basically, gracie was kind of teetering on the edge of being fed up with me

so she suggested that i 'talk' to someone

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