Chapter 28: Reunion

Start from the beginning

"Alright, now that our interruption is over lets continue.  In the following weeks we will be working as a team more and more.  We have a field trip scheduled, I was going to reschedule it but since Kyroth is here we can still go on it."  Assera stated as she paced back and forth in front of the students.  

"First though, I am going to teach you how to link your badges to your fellow teammates maps."  Pausing in front of the classroom she smiled.  

"I think I will pass on that one."  Charvor stated.  It was clear that he did not want anything to do with the rest of them.  He was rarely even seen in the dorms.  

Rolling her eyes Assera responded, "Well it is not a option."  Scanning the room she eyed each of them.  "Ia, please come up to the front and bring your map please."

Kyroth expected a glare from the woman, however she just nodded and got up walking to the front.  As she moved he could tell that the armor was now head to toe instead of just the chest piece as before.  It was beautiful armor, the way that the animal fur was interwoven to add flare but not get in the way of it.  

Gritting at the pain he pulled mana into his eyes activating Augment and saw that she was absorbing mana at a constant rate even as she was moving.  That was how she could wear it at all times.  Kyroth was also shocked at how much more his augmented sight could see since the first time he had used it.  

Now he could make out the general volume of mana in a person, as well as if the mana in the air was being pulled to them or not.  Well, not everyone's.  Assera still looked completely normal while he looked at her.  Was it due to her strength or some other reason he was not sure.  

"Alright, now this is a simple task, all you need to do is place your badge of the other map like so."  She placed her badge on the map and it started glowing a soft red color.  "Now all you have to do Ia is say, Bind and show yourself."  

Taking a deep breath she let spoke softly but confidently.  "Bind and show yourself."  As the words were said mana was pulled from both and them and right before their eyes the little dot with Assera's name on it showed up.  

"That simple.  In order to remove yourself from someone's map you will have to do the same process just say Unbind and hide yourself."  Leaning against her desk she looked out at them.  This was her team, she hated that they were going to be held to such a high standard.  

"Alright, let us get to it.  I will check every map before we go on vacation so do not try anything sly.  Charvor."  She added at the end looking at him pointedly.  

It was quite shocking to find that although it was a simple task it had taken over a hour to complete.  Each of us had to bind to everyone else and that meant sometimes waiting on the others.  It was also good to see all of us interacting even if it was a force interaction.  

Once the group was done and back in their seats Assera cleared her throat.  It was actually quite unnecessary as no one was really talking once it was done.  Kyroth however was looking at the map and smiling, seeing all the little marks of his teammates in one group.  

"We will break for a early lunch, be back here at the usual time and we will then go on our field trip."  Assera stated as everyone started to get up.  "Kyroth could you please wait?"  

Confused and curious, he waited, watching the rest of them file out of the classroom.  "Yes professor?"  

"Raven told me about your ordeal.  I just wanted to say that I am sorry about Zerif.  We still have not heard from him, but I am sure he is fine.  That man has gotten out of worse I suppose."  She was rambling a little.  Kyroth figured she was saying this not only for him but for herself as well.  

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