The Finale

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Me and Nagito once again woke up together, it was nice being out of that stupid strawberry house. We got up and set off to get breakfast however Nagito said he needed to go check on something,
"Don't you want me to come with you?"
"No I'll be fine you go get something to eat I'll meet you later"
Before I could add anything he left, dam he walks fast I couldn't keep up following behind him and knowing his luck he will find me or get away from me, sighing I set off to the restuaunt. It was like walking into a funeral everyone was quiet and glaring at me,
"___ what's up with Nagito?"
Hajime questioned, looks like everyone is concerned about something.
"Nothing as far as I'm aware"
"Oh yeah nothing well that explains last night's strange occurrence" Fuyuhiko spat at me,
"What do you mean?"
"Nagito came up to us last night whilst we explored the new island and threatened us about the traitor" Hajime informed
"Wait what? no I spent the night with him though"
"Well he must have left somepoint maybe whilst you where asleep" Hajime spoke again.
This made no sense I should go find him and talk to him about this later.
"Ill talk to him when I see him okay, I'm sorry I have no idea what's going on" I looked down feeling sadness swell up inside me, as we all had a very awkward breakfast.

After breakfast I went to go find Nagito, I went to every island but I hadn't yet been to the new island. Crossing the bridge to the new island I noticed that it lookd industrial, it's so strange to see compared to the beauty of the island. I looked everywhere however I couldn't find him, how hard is it to find one guy? I sighed in defeat and went back to the bridge. That's when I heard it a huge explosion went off, I think it came from the main island with out even realising it I was off in a sprint.

I got to the source of the sound to find the lobby of the restuaunt half gone. The guys where all there and no one looked injured, they informed me of what happened that they jumped Nagito and what he did, apparently he had long gone before I made it,  so I set off again to search for him. The night announcement went off so I took that as a sign to see if Nagito had gone back to the cottage, however when I got there it was locked I got no answer either, I waited a few minutes before getting sleepy so in defeat I went to my cottage, It felt cold and lonly back in my cottage.

The next morning I went back to Nagito's cottage and still got no answer from him, I walked alone to the remains of the restuaunt to see everyone in a panic, apparently Nagito has set up a trap of some kind and everyone has seen the message on the laptop, everyone but me. Screw it Nagito clearly ain't talking to me right now so I'll stick with these guys.
"We don't want you with us" Fuyuhiko spat at me,
"We are sorry __ we just don't know if your working with him, trust me we don't want to push you away" Hajime tried to reassure me but I'm not gonna have any of that, I left them to run round like headless chickens.

I must have zoned out I just kept walking then next thing I know I'm at the beach, all I could think about was Nagito, I don't understand what happened to him something changed him and it started back in strawberry house. I sat with my feet in the water stearing off in to space when suddenly some one grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back into the sand, I was looking straight up to see Nagito looking down at me,
"NAGITO!" I screamed out of shock and happiness to see him. I scrambled up to hug him all the time he kept giggling,
"Where have you been I haven't seen you since yesterday, please talk to me what's going on?" I nuzzle into his chest holding onto him tightly like I could lose him if not.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to make you upset, I can't tell you what's happening at least not yet"
I don't know why but I trust him I just don't want him to leave again so I won't pressure him.

We sat on the beach for a bit hugging and looking out to the ocean, then he got up,
"I have to go I still need to find out some things, you should go find the others see what their up to"
"What like your spy" I said smugly
"Nah" he smiled to him self before heading out, as he walked off I yelled out to him
"Nagito don't leave me again okay or I'll make you pay", he waved his arm as he walked as a response, after that I peeled myself off the sand and set off to go find someone well anyone.  That person happened to be Chiaki she was on the second island looking for Nagito, apparently everyone is looking for him or something else she wouldent tell me.

We got word from Fuyuhiko that they found something in the factory on the new island so we set off at a fast pace, when we got there we found a Jeep with what looked like dynamite strapped to it, hundreds of them, accompanied with a laptop with a video from Nagito. They where going to go off soon and everyone was in a panic , next thing we know Sonia runs in yelling they are not bombs, then they went off, fireworks, they where fireworks. Seriously what's going on this is getting stressful.

The laptop came back up with another video from Nagito and we followed the instructions, we proceeded to the warehouse but the door was locked. I have a bad feeling about this, a knot formed in my stomach, Akane smashed down the door and I pushed through everyone to get ahead, worrying about Nagito, then the room lit up and became engulfed in flames. I screamed and ran forward to the room
I screamed over and over whilst Hajime held me back by my chest, I threw my legs and arms frantically trying to break free, then Sonia said about the fire bombs, I was I there faster then sonic the hedgehog and back again throwing them to put of the fire, then the sprikelers went off. Hajime and monomi had to hold me back from going in before the toxic fumes had gone. When we could finally get in to the room. It was hard to see the fire made eveything dark, there where no lights and only a small window. Then at the back.

There what we found was just so horrific

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There what we found was just so horrific. I fell to the ground looking at the scene in front of me, my body refused to move and my mind refused to belive what I was seeing, Sonia escorted me out of the room whilst the others investigated, the Monokuma announcement confirmed what my mind was rejecting. Why, why did this have to happen I just started to confirm my feelings towards him, now I'll never see him again. This can't be, no! One of these fucking bastards killed Nagito I'm going to find out who.

I'm pretty useless at this investigation stuff so I talked to Chiaki and Hajime about their findings, I worked with them to investigate but I didn't go to look at his body, or to his cottage I stood outside whilst they looked, I'm so pathetic I want to find who did it but I can't fight my own emotions.  Before I knew it it was time do the trial, I didn't do anything though, shit I'm useless I'm sorry Nagito I've let you down.. forgive me, I stood at the back of the elevator holding back tears.

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